  • 规格:6SL3120-1TE21-8AB0
  • 发货地:福建厦门
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1个
  • 免费会员
































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      1、这个型号有货吗? 回答:一般常用型号我们都有现货,但是品牌型号较多,我们建议您与我们公司进行型号确认。
      2、什么时间发货? 答:(现货)确认到款即发货,订货,收到预付款后在规定期限内发货。
      1.  罗克韦尔(A-B):1756,1785,1771,1746,1747,1769等,及部分停产备件(1398,1326,1336,1394,2711等)如:1756-L63,2711-T10C10
      2.   施耐德(SCHNEIDER):莫迪康,Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等,如:140CPU11303
      3. GE FANUC 发那科:IC697,IC693,IC695,IC200,DS200,DS3800,IS215,VMI,等,如:IC693CPU364
      4.  西门子(SIEMENS):摩尔(MOORE);6ES5(948,946,947,等停产模块);6ES7(400系列,部分);TI,VIPA,6DD,6DS,6GK,6A V,6RA(部分型号)等。西门子停产备件做的比较多,如:6ES5-948-3UR23,39ACM28AEN
      5. 福克斯波罗(FOXBORO):FBM,CP60,CP40,CP30等,如:FBM215, CP40B
      6. ABB:机器人控制系统DSQC系列,BAILEY INFI 90及停产备件,如:DSQC679
      7. 霍尼韦尔(HONEYWELL):TDC3000,620、621、514、513等,如:51400700-100
      8. 英维斯(TRICONEX):TRICON  DCS的系列,如:3805E
      9.  西屋(westinghouse):OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件,如:1C31129G03
      10. 博世力士乐(Bosch Rexroth):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,伺服控制,驱动模块等,如:VT3006-S35/R1
      11. 摩托罗拉(MOTOROLA):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列,如:MVME162-212
      另外还有 Woodward(伍德沃德),雅马哈(YAMAHA), 贝加莱(B&R),欧姆龙(OMRON),  KEBA,安川(YASKAWA) 等品牌的停产备件

      手机      :18030229053
      电话      :0592-5709825
      QQ        :2479261344                       
      邮箱      :2479261344@qq.com
      传真      :0592-5917519

      Electroglas EG5 / 300 ARGOS Wafer Prober (Reduced!)

      Tenney / Lunaire T-Series Environmental Chamber

      TA Instruments TMA2940 Thermomechanica?l Analyzer

      Tektronix DTG5274 Data Time Generator w/ Modules

      Rohde & Schwarz UPL16 Audio Analyzer (Reduced)
      Rohde & Schwarz UPL16 w/ Options & Accessories

      Lindgren ETS Series 81 RF Shielded Room 9' x 7' x 8'

      Thermotron S-32C Environmental Chamber

      HP Agilent 35670A Dynamic Signal Analyzer w/ opt's

      Bio-Rad FTS 45 FT-IR Spectrometer w/UMA 300A FTIR

      Alzmetall AB3R Drilling Machine

      Perkin Elmer Autosystem Gas Chromatograph

      Mattson Polaris IR-10410 FTIR Spectrometer (Reduced!)

      Alloyd 2SC1016 Dual Shuttle Sealer, 10 x 16!

      Bio Rad UMA-500 Spectroscopic Microscope, 15x & 4x

      Telsonic USP3000 Ultrasonic Welding System

      Metrum MET64SCUA 8000 Speed (Reduced!)

      HP E4433B opt's 1E5/UND/UN4/UN5?/UN7

      Rohde & Schwarz FSEB20 Spectrum Analyzer 

      Agilent 70420A Phase Noise Test Set w/ opt 001

      GLSI Hg253 Portable Vapor Mercury Analyzer

      Caliper Life Science Tekmar Autotrace SPE Workstation

      HP 89441A Vector Signal Analyzer AYA / AYB / AY9 / UFG

      LMI SE2050 Laser Engraver (Reduced!)

      SSEC Evergreen M10 Wafer & Mask Cleaner 
      Includes Manual, Software & Ammonia Cabinet

      Agilent 35670A opts AY2/1D0/1D1/1D2?/1D3/1D4/1C2

      Kester KWB-1000 Automated Wetting Balance Tester

      Mobicom Accetio 2189 Lot of 1000, All New (Reduced)
      Each Brand New Cell Phone is Complete with Accessories

      Wandel & Goltermann OSA-155 DWDM System Analyzer

      HP Agilent 83621A Synthesized Signal Generator

      DynaMyte 4000 Milling Machine 

      Mech-El Industries 709 Manual Eutectic Die Attacher

      HP/Agilent E9850A VXI Embedded PC Controller

      HP Agilent 5373A Domain Pulse Analyzer (Reduced!)

      Tektronix PB200 Packet / Cell BERT Tester (Reduced!)

      Nicolet Model 730 FTIR Spectrometer with AEM Module

      Wavetek 4808 Multifunction Calibrator

      DRANETZ PP1-P 

      Hardinge DV-59 / DSM-59 Industrial Lathe

      3M-Matic 700r Random Case Sealer, 15 boxes per min!

      Zero Products BNP65-600R&DC Media Blaster w/ Filter

      Blue M IGF-7780F Environmental Oven 1100°F

      Heller 1148 IRC Reflow Convection Oven

      Rohde & Schwarz CMD55 Com Test Set w/ opt's and manuals

      Applied Systems Eng.167KU 300 Watt TWT (Reduced!)

      Despatch LFD2-24-3 Forced Air Oven

      GSI ScanArray 3000 Microarray Scanner

      Azco FG160 SUR-PAK Precision Cutting Machine

      Empire Pro-Finish FS-2636 3 Piece System!

      HP 83420A opts 014 / 210 (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent 8665A Signal Generator 100KHz - 4.2GHz

      Agilent 8509B Lightwave Polarization Analyzer

      HP 35665A opts 1C1/1C2/1D0/1D2?/ANA

      Amtech Ultraweld 20 Precision Ultrasonic Welder

      Coherent Innova 90-6 with LaserPure 20N & Power Supply

      Tektronix GB1400 Analyzer/Genera?tor Test Set (Reduced)

      Coulter Delsa 440 Particle Counter w/ Power Supply

      Tektronix PQA300 Picture Quality Analysis System 

      Perkin Elmer ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detector

      Clausing Colchester 11" Lathe w/ Accessories

      Lydall Affinity CBD-007S-BB09C-?BD3 Chiller

      Unadyn UDC-55 Mini Dryer with 300 Modular Hopper

      Bruel & Kjaer 4602B w/ 4185 & Accessories (Reduced)

      Microtrac FRA 9250 Particle Size Analyzer

      Cumberland 284 Pelletizer, Granulator

      Graco Air Powered Pump with Drum

      Blue M Lindberg WSP-109C-MP3 Shock Chamber (Reduced!)

      Mitutoyo PH-350A Optical Comparator

      Metrum MET64SCUAO 4000 Speed (Reduced!)

      Blue M 1004-8C-MP3 Environmental Test Chamber

      Perkin Elmer Arnel Autosampler

      Solitec Edwards High Vacuum Pump System

      HP 8510C opt 010 50 GHz Network Analyzer (Reduced!)

      MPM SP-1500 Semi-Automatic Screen Printer

      Danly 5 Ton, Four Post Air Press (Reduced!)

      HP 4352B VCO / PLL Signal Analyzer (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent 8760A K72 Performance Test Matrix (Reduced)

      Chase Machine & Engineering Oven Module

      ENI EGR9600B Power Generator 9,000 Watts (Reduced)

      CyberOptics MicroScan Laser Measure System

      Cheminstruments AR-1500 Adhesion Release Tester

      Metrum VLDSB Data tape Recorder (Reduced!)

      Adtech SX/14 Data Link Simulator Mainframe (Reduced!)

      HP/Agilent 70909A 26.5 GHzRF Section Module (Reduced!)

      HP/Agilent 89410A opt's AYA,AYB,AY9,UFG (Reduced!)

      Tektronix VM700A Automatic Video Measurement Set w/ opt

      Blue M DC-206C Convection Oven

      Dukane 410 Series Ultrasonic Wedling System

      Agilent E1437A VXI Digitizer Module 

      Nikon Linear Measurescope 20 LS-403 Stage
      Nikon Measurescope 20 LS-402 Stage

      Spencer Industravac SA607A Air Clean System (Reduced!) 

      Fisher Scientific Isotemp Plus Freezer 13-986-146RA

      Micro Robotics Systems Inc Model 170G (Reduced!)

      Dukane 410 Series Ultrasonic Wedling System

      Maag Flockmaschinen SPG 1000 Rise Time Tester

      Extek 3100 Silver Film Duplicator w/ Manual/Accessor?ies

      Gorman Bobbineer Wire Winding Machine

      Wandel & Goltermann RME-5 / RMS-5 System (Reduced!)

      ETS Lindgren T/T RF Enclosure w/ Anechoic Absorber

      Uson Testra 1100 Gauge Decay Tester

      Nikon SMZ800 Stereomicroscop?e w/ SDC-240 Digital Camera

      Seven Associates B-1A Induction Heating Unit

      Dukane Lot of Qty 2 43A240 & Qty 1 Ultra 351 Auto-Trac

      Tektronix VM700A opt;s 01 / 30 / 40 (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent 5361A CW Microwave Counter, 10Hz to 20 GHz

      CyberOptics MicroScan Laser Measure Unit

      Tektronix VX4101A w/opt's 1A/1D (Reduced!)

      EMCO 5101 Dual TEM Cell (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent E4431B Digital RF Signal Generator (Reduced)

      HP / Agilent 81110A (Reduced!)

      HP 54825A Infinium Oscilloscope, 500MHz, 2GSa/s

      Edwards High Vacuum Pump (Reduced)

      Knight Tool Co. KTC-FT-62 Press 

      Forma Scientific 3908 Reach-In Incubator

      HP 16453A Dielectric Material Test Fixture

      Spirent TAS 4500C RF Channel Emulator

      LeCroy DDA-120 1.0 GHz, 4 Channel 8GS/sec Oscilloscope

      Solartron 1254 Frequency Response Analyzer (Reduced!)

      Solartron/Schlu?mberger 1253 Gain Phase Analyzer.

      Schaffner NSG 431 Electrostatic Discharge System

      HP Agilent 83592C Sweeper Plug-In (Reduced!)

      Olympus SZ6045 Stereo Imaging Microscope System

      Blue M WSP-109B-3 Shock Chamber Oven

      GCI DE1AC Air Conensing Chiller

      Agilent N4483A 

      Koolant Koolers KV2000 Industrial Chiller

      HP 35665A

      ENI POWER SYSTEMS OEM-25 RF Generator

      HP Agilent 8591E Portable Spectrum Analyzer w/ opt 105

      HP 4380A 500 MHz S-Parameter Test Set (Reduced!)

      Tektronix A6909 Two Channel Isolator 

      EXFO FTB-300 w/opt's D2/M1/W1/N4 (Reduced!)

      HP 16190A Performance Test Kit, Complete

      HP 16454A Magnetic Material Test Fixture, Complete

      IRD 350 Vibration Analyzer (Reduced!)

      Teledyne Taber V-5 150-B Electric Stiffness Tester

      Budzar BTU Multi-Zone Electrically HeatedTemp. Unit

      HP 8590D Opt. 003 Spectrum Analyzer 1.8 GHz (Reduced)

      Watson PS2-CB-2 Dual Position Payoff 

      Millipore Waters Quanta 4000E (Reduced)

      HP Agilent 5183U Precision Digitizing Oscilloscope

      Knight Tool Co. KTC-FT-54 Press 

      Ideal 3915-95 Guilotine, New, with Accessories

      Tektronix VM700A opt's 01/ 40 (Reduced!)

      Keithley 237 High Voltage Source-Measure Unit (Reduced)

      Union Special 35800 DR Felling Machine

      Agilent E1439A VXI Digitizer Mod. (Reduced!)

      Standard Environmental Systems Temperature Chamber

      Orec Model 03DM-100 Ozone Monitor

      HP/Agilent 8566A Spectrum Analyzer System (Reduced!)

      LeCroy LC574A Digital Oscilloscope w/ Options

      Wiltron 6647A Programmable Sweep Generator w/opts 03/14

      Wiltron 6647A Programmable Sweep Generator w/ opt 03

      Despatch LBB2-12-1 Forced Convection Oven

      Ultratech 602 Wafer & Mask Cleaner

      Agilent 53310A Modulation Domain Analyzer w/ opt's 

      Rheometrics RSA 2 Solids Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer

      HP / Agilent 81685A Amplifier Test Set (Reduced!)

      Vestil 4853 / Scale Hydrolic Scissor Lift

      HP 8146A opt 003 (Reduced)

      Tektronix GB1400 GigaBert Analyzer w/ Opt's 08 & 09

      Tektronix VM700 Video Test Set w/ opt's 01 (Reduced!)

      HP 8643A Signal Generator Opt. H02

      HP/Agilent 89431A Vector Signal Analyzer

      Watson KRPS2-CB-1 Single Position Payoff 

      HP 11729C Carrier Noise Test Set, 10MHz to 18GHz

      Instrument Systems RPA2000 (Reduced!)

      Delta Design 9059 Environmental Test Chamber, 2-3-1

      Wandel & Goltermann RS-100 White Noise Generator

      HP 8590D Opt. 001 Spectrum Analyzer 1.8GHz (Reduced)

      Beckman L5B-CT Ultracentrifuge with Rotor (Reduced)

      Giga-tronics 6082A opt 130 Synth Sig Gen (Reduced!)

      Molecular Devices Cytosensor Microphysiomete?r 

      Toddco General Inc CH200 (Reduced!)

      Graphtec DMS1000 Data Management System

      Micro-Quad 8000 Infrared Analyzer w/ 2 Sensors

      Lydall Affinity RAA-002H-BB06C-?BD3 Chiller

      Advanced Energy MDX Magnetron Drive 2172

      LeCroy 9350AM Digital Oscilloscope w/ Options

      HP 85027C Directional Bridge 10 MHz to 18 GHz
      Complete Kit

      Spirent Abacus1 Call Simulator System w/opt's (Reduced)

      Tensile Testers, Inc JDH Tensile Strength Tester

      Hankison HPRP0.75CU Compressed Air Dryer 

      HP Agilent WireScope 350 Cable Certifier (Reduced!)

      Jouan CR 412 Refrigerated Centrifuge

      Clinton STB-10G DC Spark Tester 

      Blue M POM7-206C-2X Convection Oven

      QuadTech Guardian 12kV DC Hipot Tester w/ Accessories

      DRANETZ PP1-R 

      Lydall Affinity RAA-002H-BB06C-?CBS Chiller

      Lydall Affinity RAA-002H-BB06C-?CBC3 Chiller

      Vickers Hydraulic Power Unit, 10 Gal Per Minute

      SES TK/20S Temperature Chamber

      Rapid-Air R34F Stock Reel

      Koolant Koolers, Inc. KV1500 Chiller (Reduced!)

      NoiseCom UFX 7907 Prog. Noise Generator (Reduced!)

      Watson PS2-CB-1 Single Position Payoff 

      Labline 4628 Obrital Shaker

      K&E Vectron Transit Theodolite

      Vision Engineering Model TS-3 Dynascope

      HP/Agilent 85046A S-Parameter Test Set (Reduced!)

      HP 8515A S-Parameter Test Set

      HP 8514B S-Parameter Test Set

      Agilent E1441A opt 001 Arbitrary Waveform Generator

      Microautomation M-150 Mounting Station 

      MetOne A2408-1-115-1 Portable Laser Particle Counter

      HP 70842B Error Detector Module w/ Opt H50 (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent 3709B Constellation Analyzer 

      HP A2638B Industrial Computer Workstation 9000

      HP Agilent 8510B Network Analyzer Set, with Cable!

      Marconi 2022D Signal Generator, 10kHz-1GHz.

      ESI 231C 

      Systron Donner 6530 Microwave Frequency Counter

      Noisecom UFX-BER 892 / 1850 Precision C/N Generator

      Wavetek 4600 Autocal Amp (Reduced !)

      Valhalla 2301 Power Analyzer, 2 Available!

      HP E1431A VXI Digitizer Module 8-Ch

      83420A K23 Amp Pair Source Test Set

      83420A K29 Branching Source #2 Test Set

      83420A K25 Branching Unit Source #1 Test Set

      83420A K26 Branching Unit Receiver Test Set

      HP 35660A-001 Dynamic Signal Analyzer (Reduced!)

      HP/Agilent 89411A Network Analyzer Downconverter

      Tektronix CTS 710 w/ Opts 004 / 022 (Reduced!)

      HP 3585A Spectrum Analyzer, 20 Hz - 40 MHz (Reduced!)

      Tektronix AVG1 Multiformat Analog Test Signal Generator

      Anritsu MG3670B Modulation Signal Generator w/ opt's

      Noise/Com Model UFX-BER 892/1850 Precision CN Generator

      Vestil EHLTX-4855-1-39 Hydrolic Scissor Lift

      HP 70621A 2.9 GHz Preamplifier Module (Reduced!)

      HP 8757A Scalar Network Analyzer (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent E1413C High-Speed 64-Channel Converter

      DLS Test Works DLS400 ADSL Wireline Simulator

      ENI ACG-3 RF Power Generator

      HP 8981A Vector Modulation Analyzer (Reduced!)

      HP/Agilent 5508A Laser Measurement Display

      TDI RBL-488-400-120?-800 DC Electronic Load

      Aremco 2928-B Heat Furnace 2 (Reduced!)

      Lot of 10 Katadyn Survivor 35 Reverse Osmosis, New

      Sony VPH-G70 CRT Projector (Reduced)

      Vickers Hydraulic Power Unit, 5 Gal Per Minute

      NHI NHI-2040MW-10L Solid State Amplifier

      Boonton 4300 RF Power Meter

      HP 5183T Precision Digitizing Oscilloscope

      HP Agilent 53310A Communication Analyzer

      HP/Agilent 85062A 3.5-mm E-Cal Module w/ opt's 001/00F

      Mystaire 2450 Ductless Fume Enclosure

      Ruska DDR 6000

      Tektronix DL-11 Delay Line (Reduced!)

      Weinschel 8310 Series 6268 SmartStep? Attenuator Unit

      Marconi 2305

      Miteq DN-8011 Satellite Test Loop Translater

      NBSC InnOva 2100 Platform Shaker w/ User Manual

      Fargo HDP720 High-Definition Card Printer

      HP Agilent 8590B 1.8 GHz Spectrum Analyzer w/ opt 021

      Quadtech 1870 AC DC Dielectric Analyzer

      Sahara S1 FC5 Drum Heater Oven

      Tektronix TDS520B 500 MHz Oscilloscope (Reduced!)

      Mitsubishi CA-06 Moisture Meter

      Vision Engineering Cobra Stereo Zoom Microscope

      Barnstead / Labline 3628A-1 Lab Oven

      Perkin Elmer Series 410 Liquid Chromatograph Pump

      Perkin Elmer Sigma 10 Chromatography Data Station

      HP 54007A Infinium Accy kit (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent 4193A Vector Impedance Meter, 110MHz

      Wiltron 6709B-40 Signal Generator, 2 GHz

      LMT Model LD-390 Component Lead Trim

      Perkin Elmer LC-100 Column Oven

      Anritsu MG3670B Modulation Signal Generator w/ opt's

      HP 3326A 2-Channel Synthesizer w/ opt's 002 & 003

      HP Agilent 35689B S-Parameter Test Set, 150 MHz

      Laser Precision Corp Optical Time Domain Reflectometer

      HP 54620C Logic Analyzer

      HP 5350B Microwave Frequency Counter

      Tektronix CTS 710 Sonet Test Set w/Opt 003 (Reduced!)

      OCE G6035-S Scanner

      HP Agilent 4274A LCR Meter w/ opt 001

      HP Agilent 8590A Spectrum Analyzaer, 10kHz to 1.5GHz

      HP Agilent 8922M GSM Mobile Station Test Set w/ Opt's

      HP Agilent 6674A-J05 Programmable Power Supply

      WaveTek 1395 Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer

      GL Communication Inc. 9121TB1G8CE

      Mahr Federal 832F Digital Electronic Amplifier

      Stanford Research SR645 

      Tektronix TDS540 Digitizing Oscilloscope

      HP C6075A DesignJet 1055CM 36" Plotter

      Tektronix TLA7L3 Logic Analyzer Module w/ opt's 1S & 2S

      Optical Associates INC 316 UV Power Meter with Probe

      TTC 43440 DS1 / DS3 ATM Interface Adapter, New in Box!

      NoiseCom UFX-BER-375/625 C/N Generator (Reduced!)

      Noisecom UFX-BER-30/65/1?45 (Reduced!)

      LeCroy 9304AM Digital Oscilloscope w/ Options

      Wayne Kerr PSG 2400L Sweep Signal Generator, 2.4GHz

      Sunol Sciences Corporation SC98V

      Biddle 247000-7 Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter

      Biddle 247000-8 Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter

      Transistor Devices DLVP130-250-250?0 DC Electronic Load

      Narda 8011B RF Transparent Temperature Monitor

      Integrated Air Systems LV4-30 Laminar Flow Hood

      Sony VPH-1292Q Multiscan Projector (Reduced)

      EMI TCR100T50 DC Power Supply (Reduced)

      Quadtech 1880 (Reduced!)

      Tektronix AGL1 Analog Generator Lock Option Module

      NoiseCom 7107 Noise Generator (Reduced!)

      Barnstead Fistreem II / A74415-60 Distiller (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent 3563A Control Systems Analyzer, 100 kHz

      Anritsu MD1620B Signaling Tester w/ opt 01 / 11

      HP 6674A opt J06 (70V -30A) DC Power Supply (Reduced!)

      Despatch LND1-42-2 600°F Inert Atmosphere Oven

      Precision Scientific Model 29 Vacuum Oven

      HP Agilent 8991A Peak Power Analyzer w/ opt 003

      Adtech 400120C VXI Mainframe (Reduced!)

      Kaye Instruments HTR150 Temperature Reference(Reduc?ed!)

      Agilent N1610B Service Advisor Portable Test Tablet 

      Tektronix 1740 Waveform / Vector Monitor (Reduced!)

      Carver 3947Auto Pak (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent 83540B Sweep Generator, 2-8.4 GHz (Reduced!)

      TTC / Acterna T-Berd 224 PCM Analyzer (Reduced!)

      Lambda EMI ESS 500-6 DC Power Supply

      Leica Wild 355110 Dual Head Microscope

      Yokogawa 2503-23 Digital AC Power Meter

      Ithaco 1201 Low Noise Preamplifier

      Biddle 247800 Digital Microhmmeter

      HP 8981B Vector Modulation Analyzer

      HP 70841B PatternGenerato?r 100 Mb/s to 3Gb/s (Reduced!)

      HP 70842B Error Detector Module (Reduced!)

      Ono Sokki CL-250 Non-Contact Thickness Meter (Reduced!)

      Datatape TMA3000 Tape Motion Analyzer

      Sorensen DHP50-60 DC Digital Power Supply

      Wavetek 195 Waveform Generator w/opt 01, 02 (Reduced!)

      Sencore SC3100 Oscilloscope (Reduced!)

  • 0571-87774297