  • 规格:hex nut DIN 985-M8-A2
  • 发货地:大连
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1件
  • 诚信商家













      NordexAcciona Windpower品牌下,我们为全球几乎所有地理区域提供强大的风力涡轮机。

      凭借Generation Gamma Nordex N90 / 2500N100 / 2500N117 / 2400系列连续生产的多兆瓦风力涡轮机,Nordex能够为陆上使用提供高效风力涡轮机。自2013年以来,NordexDelta Generation提供N100 / 3300N117 / 3000N131 / 3000,适用于强风,中风和轻风场。

      来自Acciona WindpowerAW品牌涡轮机已在全球各种气候和市场中成功运营。从1999年的初始设计到今天的完整产品系列,从1.5 MW3 MW,多转子和塔式组合,我们拥有强大的经验基础,反映在市场上已经证明的销售和产品演变的增长。


      这些是开发更高效,因此更经济的机器的驱动因素,以降低能源成本 - 这对环境和客户有利。



      2453 hex nut DIN 985-M8-A2

      4871 hyd.tankcap with ventilation filter

      4846 locking clamp GN 851-700-T2

      10198 terminal TT-UKK5-D/24DC

      38976 lightningcurrentdischargerFLT440VAC3,0KV

      10243 AI module IB ST 24 BAI 8/I

      14273 steering set CENTA CL-75 Alu SA

      22649 sound transmitter PA100 10-30V DC IP56

      28812 GPS 900122 15m

      29902 pitch gearbox K08

      1029877 bracket bearing rotary transmission lead

      40000 butt connector 0,25mm2 - 0,75mm2

      41837 roll hoses RS300-500_0,6kV

      7465 F-SMA-plugset PSM-SET-FSMA/4-HCS opt

      18882 cable TECWIND H07BN4-F 1x185mm2 M

      36001 shrink sleeve SRMAHV 93-26

      11900 mot. protection switch MS325-1 0.63-1.0A

      4738 position switch ZCK-M1

      10773 contactor A50-30-22

      8392 cabinet lights 11W neon lamps

      1054271-00 clamping ring chain guide

      16344 filter NF BNIHC 1310 DP10 D2.0/-V-L24

      10806 interface converter

      19492 holder for Condition Monitor Sensor

      3988 coil 24V DC 23 OHM

      23243 P203-2XLBO-1K7-AC-2A1.01

      6002 PSM-SET-FSMA/4-KT SA

      33596 acc. cooling converter K08 tower rev5

      38707-02 tower cable clamp HRFLEX 5M PPV0 8F

      1023075 rotary transmission leadtrough pipe

      4891 check valve RVM 060-01-C-N-0,5

      4908 pressure relief valve SBVE-R1/2-01X-XXXV

      5527 spring rod ZCK-D06

      7243 angle sensor DAB58-M 360 C C16

      8662 trigger for position switch pitch

      10017 motor circuit breaker MS 325-9,0

      10295 egression filter 148,5x24,5mm RAL7035

      10377 overvoltage protection FLT 25-400

      10473 air heat fan FLH 250, 250W 230V

      10491 hrc-fuse size 1 50A gG/gl 690V

      10493 fuse NH 125A/gG


      10501 aux.contactor N31E 230V DC 10A 4th pole

      11772 1-phase transformer 230V/24V 0.16kVA

      11845 contactor A9-30-22 3pole 230V 50/60Hz

      11890 NH-fuse load breaker 250A

      11913 three phase transformer DTS

      14464 Han 6 HPR protection cap

      14851 control voltage transformer 250VA/230VAC

      16349 check valve RV30-01.1/0-4,5 bar

      16633 2 Directional Seat Valve 2SV5E2Z.X/G24-Z

      19963 pressure relief valve DB4E-012-CE0034

      20494 clamping screw DIN 7985-M5x16-4.8-galZn

      20546 housing top box N80/N90HCV 1600x1600x400

      21453 three-phase insulating transformer DTT 3

      22217 fuse socket AES 3x58 3 pole 125A

      23125 4/3 way valve NG6 AD3L02CZ004

      23126 4/3 way valve NG6 AD3L03CZD14

      23174 cooling water connection for plug

      23175 cooling water connection for coupling

      24081 4/3 way valve NG6 AD3L03CZ004

      24577 bell housing

      26873 hex screw ISO 4014-M27x280-10.9

      27843 repla. ele. module IBS STME 24 BK -T

      28146 srv stud bolt M36x365/250-10.9-flZnncL

      30830 air filter housing AW000C5001 R1

      33466 beacon controller CB2011 - 2h USV

      33504 SwC NAL-100-NET

      36826 Retrofit Set K08 Beta Haeted holder

      39829 terminal strip 3-pol terminal

      47397 single bimetal switch (90°C)

      47400 cable tie +150°C type T18R

      47401 fibre adhesive tape 361 3M? ROL

      47402 silicon hose line SiHF 2x0,5mm2 M

      47403 silicon hose line SiHF 10x1mm2 M

      47404 junction box Hensel DN2030

      47405 cable gland Syntec M20x1,5

      47406 terminal strip 2-pol terminal

      1000274 axial-fan A

      1042495-00 rotary pos. transducer yaw K08a

      9844 absolut value senderEQN 1325-2048-SSI-07

      1002115 battery tray pitch2 N80/N90

      45215 tower cab Nexans Wind BN4-FLS0H 1x240mm2 M

      45216 tower cab Nexans Wind BN4-FLS0H 1x185mm2 M

      6047 cable H07RN-F 5G6,0 M

      45930 cable Y-CY-JZ 4G4 mm2 M

      1002115 battery tray pitch2 N80/N90

      20893 single pole circuit breaker S201-K10

      36356 flast diverter with controlled ignition

      10808 protective plug PT 2-PE/S- 24AC-ST

      23127 seal profile Liebherr 932086601 > SN 038

      34034 heating cable, self-regulating

      46731 Oil Seal 65X95X10 L NBR(-40),

      1070595-00 bracket hydraulic tube

      1070595-00 bracket hydraulic tube

      1038305-00 top hook divider parts side

      32226 handhold Ganter GN 725-132-M8

      1070595-00 bracket hydraulic tube

      15851 protective plug PT2-PE/S-230AC-ST

      10198 terminal TT-UKK5-D/24DC

      23376 motor protection switch 029.225 488

      10198 terminal TT-UKK5-D/24DC

      56150 Retrofit temp. power cable gamma w/ f.d.

      27565 ASM nozz./filt.spec.screwed fitting G3/8

      39579 cooling device 2000W roof assemb.comfort

      9101 hydraulic hose GH793-4DN6x500

      9844 absolut value senderEQN 1325-2048-SSI-07

      34034 heating cable, self-regulating

      10244 AO modul IB ST 24 AO 4/SF4



      Nordex和Acciona Windpower结合了数十年的风力涡轮机设计,建造和运营经验,在全球范围内提供超过18 GW的可持续能源。 


      • 1995年,世界上第一台兆瓦系统,Nordex N54 / 1000 kW
      • 2000年,世界上功率最大的系列风力发电机,N80 / 2500 kW,第一台AW60 / 1300涡轮机的安装
      • 2008年随着AW3000风力发电机的推出
      • 2011年,采用最高效的IEC3a级多兆瓦系统--N117 / 2400
      • 2013年,用于IEC 2Delta Generation N117 / 3000,用于IEC 1N100 / 3300和用于IEC3站点的N131 / 3000

      赫尔友道,融中纳德 --- 我们杜绝假货,我们价格低廉,我们保证品质!


      文本框: 诚信公告:Heilna不是该产品的代理商,只是一个贸易商。我们亲自把德国产品以优廉价格出口到中国,并提供相关的技术和服务!此公告旨在维护中国工业品市场的良好交易环境。

  • 0571-87774297