Trade Name |
直径 Diameter |
HRC (国家标准台式硬度计) |
特点及主要用途 characteristics and application |
HB-YD114(Q) |
1.6 |
50-55 (受强烈冲击后 After high impact) |
高锰钢堆焊焊丝,受强烈冲击后,表面具有加工硬度的特点。 High-manganese steel hardfacing flux-cored wires, and applied to repair surface of high impact wear parts, cladding layer is impacted with work hardening. |
HB-YD115(Q) |
1.6 |
50-55 (受强烈冲击后After high impact ) |
用于受严重冲击高锰钢堆焊,加工硬化效果显著。 Applied to repair surface of high impact wear parts, cladding layer is impacted with work hardening. |
HB-YD165(Q) |
1.6 |
60-65 |
高硬度耐磨焊丝,适用于磨粒磨损表面堆焊 High hardness wear-resistant wire, it is used to abrasive wear surfacing welding. |
HB-YD172(Q) |
1.6 |
≥40 |
用于堆焊齿轮、挖泥斗、矿山机械等磨损件 Applied to repair surface of high impact wear parts, such as gear aud bucket and mining machinery. |
HB-YD207(Q) |
1.6 |
≥50 |
用于堆焊推土机刀片,螺旋桨等磨损零件 Applied to repair surface of high wear parts, such as bulldozer blade and propeller. |
HB-YD212(Q) |
1.2/1.6 |
≥50 |
用于堆焊各种受磨损的机件表面,如齿轮、挖斗、矿山机械 Applied to repair surface of wear parts, such as gear mud bucket and mining machinery. |
HB-YD256(Q) |
1.6 |
HB≥170 |
高锰钢堆焊,适用于破碎机等受冲击磨损部位的堆焊 High-manganese steel hardfacing flux-cored Wires, it is applied to repair surface of high impact wear parts, such as Crusher. |
HB-YD258(Q) |
1.6 |
55-60 |
用于耐磨表面堆焊 Applied to repair surface of wear parts. |
HB-YD265(Q) |
1.6 |
60-65 |
高硬度耐磨焊丝,适用于磨粒磨损表面堆焊 High hardness wear-resistant wire, it is used to abrasive wear surfacing welding. |
HB-YD322(Q) |
1.6 |
≥55 |
用于堆焊各种冲模及切削刃具,兼用于修复要求耐磨损性能较高之机械零件 Applied to repair surface of high wear resistance parts, such as die and cutting cutlery. |
HB-YD327A(Q) |
1.6 |
≥55 |
专门用于模具堆焊,耐磨性能高于D322 Used to mould surfacing, wear resistance is better than D322. |
HB-YD337(Q) |
1.6 |
≥48 |
用于铸钢或锻钢上堆焊锻模 Applied to repair forging die at cast steel or forging steel. |
HB-YD397(Q) |
1.6 |
≥40 |
用于堆焊铸钢或锻钢做坯体的热锻模或堆焊高强度耐磨件 Applied to repair hot forging die at cast steel or forging steel, or high strength wear surfacing. |
HB-YD405A(Q) |
1.6 |
50-59 |
用于热轧辊开坯辊堆焊 Applied to repair hot-rolling blooming rollor. |
HB-YD430A(Q) |
1.6 |
20-35 |
打底层堆焊焊丝 A backing hardfacing flux-cored Wires |
HB-YD488A(Q) |
1.6 |
45-50 |
用于轧辊堆焊 Applied to repair rollor |
HB-YD507Mo(Q) |
1.6 |
35-45 |
用于510℃以下中高压阀门堆焊 Applied to valve which operating temperature is less than 510℃. |
HB-YD518(Q) |
1.6 |
40-50 |
用于连铸辊堆焊 Applied to repair continuous caster roller |
HB-YD688(Q) |
1.6 |
50-60 |
用于磨煤辊打底焊(韧性好,可以多层堆焊) Used to coal roller backing welding. |
HB-YD788(Q) |
1.6 |
55-62 |
硬度高,可以多层堆焊。 High hardness and multi-layer welding |