  • 规格:PPC-R02.2N-N-N1-N2-P
  • 发货地:厦门
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1个
  • 诚信商家









      Bently Nevada 3300 XL Probe 330105-02-12-10-02-05直辖市: 北京 上海 天津 重庆
      河北: 石家庄 唐山 秦皇岛 邯郸 邢台 保定 张家口 承德 沧州 廊坊 衡水山西: 太原 大同 阳泉 长治 晋城 朔州 晋中 运城忻州 临汾 吕梁
      内蒙古: 呼和浩特 包头 乌海 赤峰 通辽 鄂尔多斯 呼伦贝尔 巴彦淖尔 乌兰察布 兴安 锡林郭勒 阿拉善
      辽宁: 沈阳 大连 鞍山 抚顺 本溪 丹东 锦州 营口 阜新 辽阳 盘锦 铁岭 朝阳 葫芦岛
      吉林: 长春 吉林 四平 辽源 通化 白山 松原 白城 延边
      黑龙江: 哈尔滨 齐齐哈尔 鸡西 鹤岗 双鸭山 大庆 伊春 佳木斯 七台河 牡丹江 黑河 绥化 大兴安岭
      江苏: 南京 无锡 徐州 常州 苏州 南通 连云港 淮安 盐城 扬州 镇江 泰州 宿迁
      浙江: 杭州 宁波 温州 嘉兴 湖州 绍兴 金华 衢州 舟山 台州 丽水
      安徽: 合肥 芜湖 蚌埠 淮南 马鞍山 淮北 铜陵 安庆 黄山 滁州 阜阳 宿州 巢湖 六安 亳州 池州 宣城
      福建: 福州 厦门 莆田 三明 泉州 漳州 南平 龙岩 宁德
      江西: 南昌 景德镇 萍乡 九江 新余 鹰潭 赣州 吉安 宜春 抚州 上饶
      山东: 济南 青岛 淄博 枣庄 东营 烟台 潍坊 威海 济宁 泰安 日照 莱芜 临沂 德州 聊城 滨州 菏泽
      河南: 郑州 开封 洛阳 平顶山 焦作 鹤壁 新乡 安阳 濮阳 许昌 漯河 三门峡 南阳 商丘 信阳 周口 驻马店
      湖北: 武汉 黄石 襄樊 十堰 荆州 宜昌 荆门 鄂州 孝感 黄冈 咸宁 随州 恩施
      湖南: 长沙 株洲 湘潭 衡阳 邵阳 岳阳 常德 张家界 益阳 郴州 永州 怀化 娄底 湘西
      广东: 广州 深圳 珠海 汕头 韶关 佛山 江门 湛江 茂名 肇庆 惠州 梅州 汕尾 河源 阳江 清远 东莞 中山 潮州 揭阳云浮
      广西: 南宁 柳州 桂林 梧州 北海 防城港 钦州 贵港 玉林 百色 贺州 河池 来宾 崇左
      海南: 海口 三亚
      四川: 成都 自贡 攀枝花 泸州 德阳 绵阳 广元 遂宁 内江 乐山 南充 宜宾 广安 达州 眉山 雅安 巴中 资阳 阿坝 甘孜凉山
      贵州: 贵阳 六盘水 遵义 安顺 铜仁 毕节 黔西南 黔东南 黔南
      云南: 昆明 曲靖 玉溪 保山 昭通 丽江 普洱 临沧 文山 红河 西双版纳 楚雄 大理 德宏 怒江 迪庆
      西藏: 拉萨 昌都 山南 日喀则 那曲 阿里 林芝
      陕西: 西安 铜川 宝鸡 咸阳 渭南 延安 汉中 榆林 安康 商洛
      甘肃: 兰州 嘉峪关 金昌 白银 天水 武威 张掖 平凉 酒泉 庆阳 定西 陇南 临夏 甘南
      青海: 西宁 海东 海北 黄南 海南 果洛 玉树 海西
      宁夏: 银川 石嘴山 吴忠 固原 中卫
      新疆: 乌鲁木齐 克拉玛依 吐鲁番 哈密 和田 阿克苏 喀什 克孜勒苏柯尔克孜 巴音郭楞蒙古 昌吉 博尔塔拉蒙古 伊犁哈萨克塔城   阿勒泰
      港澳台: 香港 澳门 台湾型号现货以上全部都是我公司现货低价好谈 

      Lot of 20 Thomas & Betts 3/4" EMT Set Screw Connector Coupling TK122A

      Square D Mechanical?Turret Head Limit Switch Class 9007 Ser.?A With Arm C62B2

      Ametek U.S.Gauge Spec 146989 P590 0-15 PSI 1/8" ANPT LM

      NIB Square D Lot of?10 Plug-On Circuit Breakers 1-Pole 30 Amp Model QO130

      NIB Crouse Hinds Male Thread Cord and Cable Fitting 3/4" Qty. 10 CGB296

      Spears Y Strainer Valve 150 PSI 1/2" PVCI Model YS31P20-005SR

      Rosemount Analytical?18" O2 Probe Repair?Kit Model 2831A68G01

      Cutler-Hammer NEMA Size 1 Starter 3 PoleOpen Type AUX:1 N.?O. Model AN16DN0AB

      Lot of 5 Parker 003371002 3/8" NPT Micrometer Flow Control Valve Brass 250 PSI

      Helwig Carbon Lot of?4 Brush APL-2

      Johnson Controls Penn Controls A28AA-13?2-Stage Temperature?Control 20-80F

      Genicom LH Tractor 3310 Black And White?Printer Model 44A505241-G01

      2" Tube-Line Weld Neck Flange 150 B16.5?A182/SA182 F316/316L?BHLU 40S HF40

      Neptune Chemical Pump 522-E-N8 with Electric Stroke Control?106185

      Siemens Overload Relay 3UA50 00-1D

      Potter & Brumfield R10-E1-X2-115V Relay?R10-E1X2-115V

      SKF 6203 2ZJEM Lot Of 3 Shielded Bearing

      NSK 6212C3 Deep Groove Ball Bearing

      Crouse-Hinds Lot Of?2 1" Conduit Outlet?Box TB38

      Westinghouse 966476-H Lot Of 6 OverloadHeater Element AM2.5

      Servo Instrument Corporation H47 Lot Of?4 Overload Heater Element

      NNB Goodyear Lot of?2 Timing Belt Model?390L050

      Hubbell Insulgrip Twist-Lock Plug HBL9965GCB 20A 250V2-Pole?3-Wire Grounding

      Westinghouse 1491403?Shunt Trip AC Electric Coil

      Fafnir W206PP Bearing

      FAFNIR Bearing 5212W?Double Row Ball Bearing

      Marathon Heavy Duty?Terminal Block 1612?DJSV 72458

      Burndy Copper Ground?Connector GP6426

      Asco Red-Hat Spare Parts Kit 208581

      Milton Roy 212-0062-070 Hydraulic Pump Plunger 39 lbs

      FAG 543280.C3.L12 Bearing

      Clarostat Resistor 50K 4 Watt 58C1

      Square D 78042 Lot Of 2 Thermal OverloadRelay Class 9065 Type ARO-1R Series A

      NIB Furnas Oil Tight?N.O. Contact Block?Part # 52BAKM29 Series E

      ITE Lot Of 2 Heater?Element G30T6

      Cutler-Hammer Contact Block 1 N.O. Series A2 E30KLA1

      General Electric Resistor 1.5 OHMS IC9033 C5C15

      Hagen Controls 130551 DWG 472755-H Cleaner Assembly

      Used Vintage Ashcroft Temperature Gauge?Range 0-300F Model 30235

      Gates Hi-Power II V?Belt O&HR; V80 Model?B38

      Chicago Rawhide 20594 Seal Lot Of 2

      Panalarm Relay 70X1-12D

      Panalarm Relay 50-A1

      NEW Bently Nevada PC?Board 72851-04-01-01-06-01-00-00-15 MOD?152015-01

      NNB GE Motors DC Motor HP 1/8 RPM 1380/3450 Volt 125 Model 5BCC56BD107D

      Telemecanique LA1-D11 Auxiliary Contact?Block

      Cutler-Hammer 10250T4023 Selector Switch

      Barden Precision Bearing SR2ASS3 Bearing

      GE Overload Relay CR124E028

      Solid State Controls?80-212710-90 Transformer Rectifier Printed Circuit Board

      Cutler-Hammer Micro?Switch / Part of ISO?Switch Cat.# 2147A01G01


      Allen-Bradley Magnetic Overload Relay Open Type 4 AMPS Auto?Reset 810-A03A

      Static O Ring (SOR)?6AG-AF2-N1-C2A Mini-Hermet Pressure Switch 7-30 PSI

      Honeywell STR14G-11A-1G0CGABA507K-1C.CC.MB.SM.TC.TG-B77P Transmitter

      NNB Crouse-Hinds Conduit Outlet Body 1"?Form 5 Model T100M

      Ametek U.S.Gauge Spec 146993A 1-1/2" P590K 0-160 PSI 1/8" NPT LM

      Ametek U.S.Gauge Spec 146998A 1-1/2" P590K 0-160 PSI 1/8" NPT CBM

      Cooper Crouse-Hinds?Lot Of 10 Conduit Hub Reducer RE43 SA

      Cooper Crouse-Hinds?Lot Of 10 Conduit Hub Reducer RE42 SA

      Mansfield & Green O?Ring Lot of 2 10-90013 / T-153

      NIP Brad Harrison Closure Cap Mini-Change C Size Receptacle?Model 65-0104

      Gates Super HC Vextra Belt O&HR; V80 Model 5VX850

      NNB Goodyear HY-T Plus V-Belt Oil Resistant/Static Conductive Model B133

      Ohmite Relay Hermetically Sealed 15 Amps. 115 V.A.C. DOSHPX-47T

      NIB General Electric?Lot of 3 Projection?Lamps Model CEB 100W 115-125 V

      O-Z Gedney 1-1/2" x?3/4" Reducing Bushing RB-329S Lot of (2)

      Master Specialties Pushbutton Indicator?Switch 90EA1C5J1 (W)L1N1R13

      NIB Bridgeport Lot of 50 3/8" Squeeze Connector Model 403-DC2

      GE CR123C7.78A Box Of 3 Overload Relay Heater Element C7.78A

      Byron Jackson 5/8" x?1-1/2" Socket Head?Cap Screw LOT OF 16

      Ashcroft 15W1005 H 01B 60 Pressure GaugeLot of 3

      Allen-Bradley 849-Z0D33 Pneumatic TimingRelay Series B

      Square D 9050CO26E Relay Pneumatic Timing 125VDC Coil Type CO26E Cls 9050 Ser. B

      Parker PCK400S-0.50?Flow Control Valve 3GPM 3000PSI MAX PC K?4005 -30HE

      Cooper Crouse-Hinds?2" Conduit Outlet Body Form 5 LL200M

      GE Size 5 Contact Kit Missing 1 Spring 55-154607G2

      Goulds Pumps Impeller 056191G08A-1232 28% Chrome Iron 56191G08A

      Allen-Bradley Bulletin 837 Temp Control?Enclosure Type 1 837-H1AX231

      GT Series UPS GTBattery Cabinet-A-RT Rated Power 144VOC UPS23916

      Limitorque Corp. 10020 Gear Box Limit Switch for SMB-000 Nuclear Grade

      Fisher 26A5278X032 Seat Ring 1-3/4 Port

      Thermo Scientific Direct Coupled Motion?Sensor 60-242-121P-12V

      Bently Nevada 3300 XL 5/8mm Proximitor Sensor 330180-90-05

      Dwyer Explosion-Proof Differential Pressure Switch 1950G-0-B-24-NA

      Custom Control Sensors Inc. Dual-Snap Pressure Switch 646GZEM1-7011

      New SCOTT AP50-I 4.5?200472-02N Harness?and Tank

      NEW Parker 3/8" Brass Three-Way Ball Valve Part # 6Z-B6XJ-BP

      Lot of (5) Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1" Conduit Outlet Box TB38

      Gates Poly Chain GT2?Belt 14MGT-3304-20

      Chicago Rawhide 14810 Lot Of 5 Oil Seals

      Chicago Rawhide 42427 Oil Seal Lot Of 2

      Chicago Rawhide Lot?Of 2 Oil Seal 19350

      Cutler-Hammer Lot Of?2 Red Button Cover?10250TA4

      NIP Fisher Transducer Repair Parts Type?546 & 546S Model R546X000022

      Appleton Electric Company Clear Heat Resistant Prismatic Glass Globe VPGL-1HR

      General Electric 3653302G2 Fuse Type EJ-1-Y-1 Size C

      Fafnir 309K 

      Fafnir 209KG

      Chicago Rawhide 23652 Lot Of 3 Oil Seals

      Tenor Company Switch?Assembly Model 200-7-0071

      Bussmann Buss Lot Of?4 Super-Lag Renewable Fuse RES 200

      Fireye Remote Mounting 8' Kit For ED5108?129-145-2

      Milton Roy 212-0062-070 Hydraulic Pump Plunger 58 lbs

      NIB Square D Electrical Timing Relay Model # 9050 JCK27V20 Series C

      H.O. Trerice Company?4-1/2" Pressure Gage 0 - 600 PSI 450 S.S. 52-2194

      NNB Lot of 5 Appleton 3/4 inch Conduit Seal Fittings Model EYSF75

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch 6NN-L33-N4-C2A-TT

      Hills-McCanna A110410160 Lot of 7 Valve?Diaphragm 1-1/4" VLV?Size Black Rubber

      NIB United Electric?Pressure Switch Type?J6D Model 9557 0-40PSI 15A 125/250VAC

      Dwyer New Photohelic?Pressure Switch/Gage Series 3000 0-100"?Model A3100

      NIB Hoffman Lay-In Wireway Cut-Off Fitting Model F22LXL 14-3/4"L 2-1/2"W 2-1/2"H

      Parker Stainless Steel Quick Coupling Female Coupler Part #?2F-Q4CY-SSP

      NNB Cooper B-Line Control Panel Enclosure Type 12 & 13 Model?14126-12LC

      O-Z / Gedney Type GU?Outlet Box / Hazardous LOCAIIONs 17 CU?IN 280 CU CM

      S&C Electric Co. 122275R3 SM-4 Refill Unit LOT OF 3

      NNB Yokogawa Type 180 Edgewise Instrument Gauge 0 - 100 Model 4601K12P0001

      NNB Metso Paper Pneumatic Cylinder 4in Bore x 4in Stroke Model VAL0202792

      NNB Metso Paper Pneumatic Cylinder 5 in?Bore x 1 in Stroke Model VAL0083190

      NNB Midwest Canvas Saveall Curtain Top Fabric Stretch Assembly #23 35 x 325

      ITT Engineered Valves Dia-Flow 007-2436-903-00R 3/4" Flanged?Valve

      Wika Instrument Corp?Type 232.34 4.5" Process Gauge 0-30PSI?1/2"NPT LM 9834567

      Noshok 402-MFAC 1/4"?NPT M-F Steel Hard?Seat Angle Valve

      NNB Gates Hi-Power II V Belt O & H R V80Model C144

      MALLORY FP066.5 235-8444Y CAPACITOR TYPE?FP 1000MFD 50VDC

      Ashcroft Lot Of 3 Pressure Gauge 20W1005?H 02L

      Lawson Products 98164 Tuff-Cut 7/16" Laminte Trim Carbide Router Bit

      NIB Durlon 8300 Gasket Sheet 60" x 60" x?1/16"

      GE Vacuum Trip Bellows Assembly 8097679P0001

      Master Halco Loadmaster II

      ELSAG BAILEY 5316792-1 Bias Relay 1/8" NPT

      FAG 314K-FS50000 Single Row Ball Bearing314K

      Shinkawa Extension Cable VW-263 PL-8

      Allen-Bradley Overload Relay 592-A2KD

      Ohmite CORRIB Resistor 2621 10 Ohms Lot?Of 4

      NAF Safety Valve 54203

      Newport Electronics?New Controller/Indicator Q2001JDF1

      Wood's Sure-Flex Sleeve 8 H

      Goulds Pump 83-229 

      Farris Engineering 27CA13-M20 Relief Valve

      Aquadex Moisture Indicator 1171480

      Plidco Split Sleeve?6" 1000psi BUNA-N Seal

      Action Pak Limit Alarm 1290-2000-2-P
      FAG 6211.C3 Sealed Single Roller Ball Bearing

      Sandpiper 031-012-000 Sleeve & Spool Set

      Eaton Heavy Duty Safety Switch DH362FRK

      Goulds Pump 98-13-1?Pump Impeller 7-1/4"

      CR 54950 Oil Seal Chicago Rawhide

      MRC 318S Ball Bearing

      GE TOOTH OUT U316D015T0009

      Lot Of 2 SKF 635-2ZJEM Doubled Shielded?Ball Bearing

      Telemecanique 2 Pole?Auxiliary Contact Block LA1-D11

      NNB Beloit-Lenox Corp. Band Slitter Stelite 10.5" Model B1-1225

      NIP ICM Head Pressure Control W/ Optional Heat Pump Override?ICM325H

      Masoneilan Lot of 2?Gasket Mid Iron CladGrafoil Part # 009191995-779


      White-Rodgers Thermostat for Hazardous LOCAIIONs Type 2A20-2

      Anderson Greenwood Instrument Gauge Valve M251VIS-44F

      Campbell 1/0 Lock Link Single Loop Chain?250' 0741037

      Worm Bushing SS 3/8"?ID x 5/8" OD x 5/8"?LG

      Sulzer Valve SMR16/25 Bearing Driver Gear Wheel SMR 16 Planet Wheel

      1-35/64 Dia. Morse Taper 4 Shank HSS Drill

      Cutler Hammer 10316H50C Rotating Shaft Limit Switch

      Siemens NEMA Prem. Efficiency Motor 286TType SD100 30 HP 460V 1775 RPM 35 AMPS

      NNB Crouse-Hinds Conduit Outlet Body Condulet Series 2" Model LB67 SA

      Philadelphia Gear 50365-1331High Speed Pinion Shaft 15 Teeth

      Lube Flow Sight 3/4"?F155

      Numatics Mark 15 Valve Speed Control Kit?229-664

      Donaldson Filter Element Part # P772578

      Allen-Bradley Coil 73A288

      Filter-. 19-0195 Filter Element

      Cooper B-Line Junction Box Enclosure Hole Seal Plug S200

      Mallory Capacitor 500MF50VDC TC50050D


      General Electric Type EJO-1DD 125E Amps?2.75 KV Fuse 9F60HJB125

      NNB Square D Double?Throw Enclosed Switch Model # DTU362AWK?Series F06 600VAC

      US Motors 9979A 3 Ph?Vertical Motor Cat#HT60S2CL6 60 HP 460?V 1780 RPM 71.40 A

      BEI Technologies Inc. H40A-150-AB-7406-SC-S Encoder 7.5-24 VDC IN

      NNB Cutler-Hammer Enclosure with BreakerModel WFDN100 and HFD 65k

      NIB Square D AC Magnetic Nema Rated Starter Type SDO1V02

      Allen-Bradley 840-A4?Float Switch Style?A Tank or Sump Operation NEMA Type 4

      ABB HESG447220R0004?70EB02C-ES Digital Input 48V Module TurboTrol

      Dresser Plug 005936-063-163H For Masonielan Back Fig. 42C Pressure Regulator

      NNB ITT Conoflow Transducer Input 4-20mADC Output 3-15 PSI Model GT28ED-J87

      NIB Square D AC Reversing Magnetic Starter Type Series A Model SB04V02

      John Crane 48LPSR Low Emission Single Cartridge Seal HSP10254501 Seal Size 2.375

      Topworx GO Leverless?Proximity Limit Switch Model # 31-17528-A2 End Sensing

      EATON VICKERS VANE PUMP 4535V60A30 86AA20 282

      NNB ITC Industrial Timer Company C-2A Elapsed Time Display Panel RoHS Compliant

      Barco 7063 ABB 7FS-8FS Swivel Ball JointAssembly 1-1/2" Air

      Cutler Hammer D26MR005A Pneumatic TimingRelay Pneumatic Timer--See Desc.

      General Electric Coil F22D145-G003


      Cambridge Instruments LP207-0318 Temperature Compensator 05016620

      Bently Nevada 3300 XL NSv Probe 109549-01

      Semikron Semipack 2?SKKH 162/16 E

      Hills-McCanna D342861 2"Valve Body Flange

      Yokogawa New Panel Meter 0-300 DC Volts

      Gardner Denver Company Valve 2ABL563

      Jacuzzi 10GM2-T/D Gland Bracket 02-0583-03

      NIB Industrial Grade?Cheese Cloth Approx. 36" Wide Weight 4.5 Lbs

      Westinghouse Turbine?Rotor Turning Gear?Set-A-123, 7815-224,?7815-525

      Ingersoll-Rand Y1112D6BX3 Casing Wear Ring

      Westinghouse IL 115?313 IT 14 Thrust Bearing Shoe Inlet End?Bearing

      Clow Corp A-5 Cutter?Drum with Teeth Item C-11


      NEW Spool of Cerrowire 10 AWG 600 Volts?White 500 Feet

      Telemecanique New Motor Circuit Breaker?GV2P14H7

      NIB Parker 2 1/2" Viton Piston Seal Kit?Model # PK2502A005

      NNB Crouse-Hinds Conduit Outlet Body 1 1/4" Form 5 Model C125M

      Ametek U.S.Gauge Spec 164419 2" P844UK 0-100 PSI 1/8" NPT CBM

      NIB Sensor Switch Standard Range Sensor?Ceiling Mount Low Voltage CM-PDT-R White

      FISHER FIELDVUE DLC3010 Mounting BracketFSMTGDLC-1

      Allen-Bradley 895-C1?Auxiliary Contact Series A For Size 1 Starters 30 & 60 AMP

      Fafnir GN111KLLB Bearing & Collar Single?Row

      Timken 759 Tapered Roller Bearing Cone

      Electroswitch Rotary?Switch 8329A72G01

      Bussmann Lot Of 15 Low Peak Fuses LPJ-2-1/2SP

      Honeywell Micro Switch OP-AR1

      Telemecanique Coil Kit G103F126

      Westinghouse 1-3/8 x?20 Turbine Stud

      Combustion Engineering BE 50/34 Retainer?Nut Type BE50

      Rochester Instrument?Systems (RIS) PowerSupply AN1157A

      Modutec Panel Meter?0-150 AC Amperes 3PBAAC150

      GE Valve Bushing 121V939P1

      Gordon Arch SB-7200A?Replacement Blade Assembly

      United Conveyor 88888-427 Blade, Center?and Flange 88888-429

      BW/IP PT204BJ Case Wear Ring Flowserve

      Marathon Heavy Duty?Terminal Block 1512?

      Foxboro P0121AT Capsule Assembly "E"

      Thermo Environmental?6422 Charcoal Scrubber Filter

      Cooper Crouse-Hinds?2" 90 Degree Liquidtight Fitting LTB20090

      Wika 232.34 4.5" Industrial Process Pressure Gauge 9696608

      GE SB-1 Switch 16SB1CE67X2

      Limitorque 01-472-0134-3 G.L. Switch Assembly

      Vogt Valve Co. 3/4"?Gate Valve SW-12401

      Allen-Bradley 74A86?Coil

      Honeywell Thermostatic Mixing Valve AM-1?3/4" Union Thread AM101C-UT-1

      Mallory CGS272T200V4C Capacitor 2,700 MFD 200 VDC

      Allen-Bradley 895-C1?Auxiliary Contact Series A For Size 1 Starters 30 & 60 AMP

      Fafnir GN111KLLB Bearing & Collar Single?Row

      Electroswitch Rotary?Switch 8329A72G01

      Bussmann Lot Of 15 Low Peak Fuses LPJ-2-1/2SP

      Honeywell Micro Switch OP-AR1

      Westinghouse 1-3/8 x?20 Turbine Stud

      Combustion Engineering BE 50/34 Retainer?Nut Type BE50

      Rochester Instrument?Systems (RIS) PowerSupply AN1157A

      Modutec Panel Meter?0-150 AC Amperes 3PBAAC150

      GE Valve Bushing 121V939P1

      Gordon Arch SB-7200A?

      United Conveyor 88888-427 Blade, Center?and Flange 88888-429

      BW/IP PT204BJ Case Wear Ring Flowserve

      Marathon Heavy Duty?Terminal Block 1512?

      Foxboro P0121AT Capsule Assembly "E"

      Thermo Environmental?6422 Charcoal Scrubber Filter

      Wika 232.34 4.5" Industrial Process Pressure Gauge 9696608

      GE SB-1 Switch 16SB1CE67X2

      Limitorque 01-472-0134-3 G.L. Switch Assembly

      Vogt Valve Co. 3/4"?Gate Valve SW-12401

      Allen-Bradley 74A86

      FERRAZ A025R400 Protistor AC/DC 400 Amp?Fuse

      Honeywell Thermostatic Mixing Valve AM-1?3/4" Union Thread AM101C-UT-1

      Mallory CGS272T200V4C Capacitor 2,700 MFD 200 VDC

      NIB Controls International Inc. Explosion Proof I/P Converter Model # XP-1000

      Thermo Electron D/A?Board 9838 9839 93P306 REV. B

      Byron Jackson 6-3/4"?I.D. 8" O.D. Brass?Split Gland

      NIB Teco-Westinghouse MAXE-1 Type AEHE 7.5 HP 3 Phase Motor

      Horton Nexen 912806?5H70PSPX1.938 Bore,?Pilot Tooth Clutch

      P & H Harnischfeger?Off POSTTTION Bias Module 79U16D2


      Durkee Atwood Positive Drive Timing Belt?Model 420L050

      Lot Of 4 Delco WC87501 Bearing NDH Made?In The USA

      GE U251T070G007DS4

      FMC 75Z 370D 1 Bridge Rectifier Silicon?Controlled Assembly

      EIL Instruments Edgewise Panel Meter 1140-VB -20% to +20% Output

      NIP Rexroth Worldwide Pneumatics Regulator Valve Replacment?P-007579-00000

      Masoneilan 8012 Electro-Pneumatic Valve?POSTTTIONer W/O Relay

      United Electric Controls Co. F54D20CC Temperature Switch -130 to 120*F 15 AMP

      Westinghouse BF Control Relay Cat. # BF22F Model E Style 765A857G01 300VAC 10A

      NNB Boston Gear Reductor Ratiomotor Input RPM 1750 Model F231D-17-B7

      NIB Square D AC Motor Starter Model # 2510MBA2 Nema 12 Enclosure

      ControlAir Inc. 550X?Electric to Pneumatic Transducer 0-5VDC?In 2-60PSIG Out

      Square D 8965 TO-1 Hoist Contactor Reversing Open Enclosure?120V AC Control

      G & W Eagle Signal Cycle Flex Timer 0-30Minutes HP55A601

      G & W Eagle Signal Cycle Flex Timer 0-150 Minutes HP527A6

      NNB ITT Grinnell Valve Co. Inc. ConoflowTransducer Model GT82YDXXXXA0109

      Delaval Barksdale D2H-H18SS Pressure / Vacuum Actuated Switch .4-18PSI
      Foxboro I/A Series Pressure Transmitter?IDP10-D20C21F-M1

      NNB Apollo 3" Carbon?Steel Piece Ball Valve Model 83R-200-01

      GE 5K49MN6126T Electric Motor 1/3HP 1140/950RPM K1487

      NNB Square D H363 Heavy Duty Safety Switch 600 Vac 100 Amp w/fuses

      Brown & Sharpe BNNNC-005-10A2 Relief Valve DBA Controls Double A NNNC-005-10A2

      Rosemount Transmitter 3051CD2A02A1AH2E5L4P9

      Timken 1774 Tapered?Roller Bearing

      Fafnir 210KDD Single?Row Ball Bearing

      NIB Internormen Filter 01.E 175. 10VG 16.E.P. 300156 Model D-68804

      Crouse-Hinds Conduit?Outlet Body 1 1/2"?Form 5 T150M

      Hubbell Twist-Lock Single Outlet 3330-G?30 amp

      Asco Red-Hat Solenoid Valve Rebuild Kit?No. 302709 Pipe 1/4?10.1 Watts 8344G70

      NIB Parker Brass?Male Branch Tee 4-4-4 MBT-B

      GE CR123C163A Box Of?3 Overload Heater Element C163A

      Atwood & Morrill Cylinder Liner 37 352243026817 16-17-20ST

      BBC XT5514a Changeover Switching Unit ABB TurboTrol XT 5514a

      Panalarm 53L4H-125VDC Relay

      Panalarm Relay 50-F1

      Measurement Technology Surge Protection?Unit MTL377-150V

      Fairchild Governaire?2000 Volume BoosterRelay

      Joslyn Clark Controls Timing Relay D713UP-76

      Kingsbury Inc. GP-588A Oil Guard

      GO Topworx Leverless?Limit Switch 11-12523-A15

      Absolute Process Instruments Inc. SignalConditioner API 1020 G

      Flowserve H300045-01?Bearing Sleeve Babbitted


      Honeywell Iris Viewing Head For Flame Monitor S511

      Westinghouse 50 Amp?Circuit Breaker E2050

      NNB Midwest Canvas Curtain White ED 18 oz Vinyl Welded Seam?36 x 330 in

      CURLEE CE2KB Enclosure Cutler Hammer 50?amp Disconnect / Motor Starter Panel

      Proco 141-151-220-221 Protect-O-Flex Butterfly Expansion Joint Type BB Style 231

      Pall Trinity Reverse?Ultipor Filter Cartridge MDS 1001 SU

      Yokogawa New Panel Meter 0-750 D-C Milliamperes

      Cooper B-Line 2 1/2"?x 2 1/2" x 36" Straight Section Lay-In?Wireway # 2236-12LW

      Timken Tapered Bearing Cone Model 05079

      NIB Lot of 3 Beck Resistor Plate Assy Model 20-1971-03

      FiberNext Lot of 47?LC SM SX Zirconia Adapter ADS-LC001-CHP

      H & H Sales Inc. 50-C06-5-1 Element Lot?of 9

      Bussmann Limitron Lot Of 2 Quick Acting?Current Limiting Fuse JKS 200

      General Electric 183A7825-P1 Magnetic Pickup Actuator

      NIB Namco Controls Snap-Lock Limit Switch Part # EA170-22100

      GE Control Valve Bushing 107A4614P0001 Rev 02


      Cutler Hammer D26MR005A Pneumatic TimingRelay Pneumatic Timer

      NNB Crouse-Hinds Conduit Outlet Body Condulet Series 2" Model LR67 SA

      L-Tec Trimline 500-580 Compressed Gas Regulator R-76

      Stego Din Rail Mount?Thermostat Kit M721T-95

      Vega Controls VEGADIS 371 Digital Indicating Instrument

      DeLaval C3EBF118P IMO Oil Pump

      Seal Master Pillow Block Bearing MFPD-79, 4.9375" Bore

      NIB Edwards Transformer Model # 88-50 Primary 120V 50/60Hz Secondary 12-24V

      Siemens NEMA Prem. Efficiency Motor 286TS Type SD100 30 HP 460V 3525 RPM 34 AMPS

      Reliance 841XL Duty?Master Motor Frame 215T 10 HP 460 Volts?1765 RMP 12.3 AMPS

      NNB MRC Bearing Model 205SZZ

      Hays Fluid Controls?Shur-Flo Flow Switch?2600-3911

      Fairchild High Pressure Selector Relay 91052

      Lot Of 4 Gerbing 55-21201 Spider Coupling Insert Flexible Buna Rubber 3/4"

      Cooper B-Line Junction Box Enclosure Hole Seal Plug S150

      GE Bolt U625P008L0400

      EIL Instruments Edgewise Panel Meter 1140-VB

      Spraying Systems Co.?T-Style Stainer 1/2TW

      Milton Roy Discharge?Cartridge Assembly?Model 221-C

      Pneumatic Products Corporation Filter 2016903

      Tektronix Power Module and Dual Power Supply Model TM501 and?PS 503 A

      Goodyear HY-T Wedge?Belt Matchmaker M5 Model 5VX1700

      Emerson Power Transmission Kop-Flex Waldron Flex Gear Hub Coupling 1-1/2W FHUB

      Emerson Power Transmission Kop-Flex Waldron Flex Gear Hub Coupling 1-1/2W FHUB

      Emerson Power Transmission Kop-Flex Waldron Flex Gear Hub Coupling 1-1/2W FHUB

      Crouse-Hinds 3/4" x?18" Copper Flex Coupling For Hazardous LOCAIIONs ECLK218

      NNB Genuine Moyno Parts Pump Stator 1 1/4" Model 3300656023

      Lot Chicago Rawhide?Misc. Oil Seals 22645, 27444, 20650, 18911, 23685

      Westinghouse IL 115?313 IT 20 Thrust Bearing Shoe Inlet End?Bearing

      Agastat 7012PCX Timing Relay 1.5-15 Sec.?Coil 125 VDC

      Gates Super HC Powerband Vextra Belt O&HR; V 80 3 Wide Model?3/5VX1180

      Rosemount Instrument?Manifold Part # C305151122-0000 Stainless Steel

      Delco NDH U5210TS Cylindrical Roller Bearing

      GE Indicating Light?116B6708G3-E

      GE Indicating Light?116B6708G3-D

      NIB Parker Filter Element Part # 6CU25-130

      Nibco 1-1/4" Gate Valve T-111 NL0500B

      H & H Sales Inc. CC852 Element

      Auburn Igniter CS 13028 SI-188

      API Thermocouple Shielded Meter 0 - 1000*F 46-8234-2501

      NIB Electro Switch Corp. Electroswitch Model 8327A38G01

      Treeko Electronics Inc. TSI840308K1 Switch Panal Board

      Bently Nevada 3300XL?NSV 330980-50-00 Proximity Sensor

      Bently Nevada 3300 XL Probe 330103-00-25-05-02-05

      NIB ABB Flexitest Switch Model # 129A501G01

      Fischer & Porter 53RT2110 Pressure Regulator W/ Flow Meter 10A3135N

      Namco Controls 2-3/4" Operating Lever EL060-50321

      NNB Crane 3/4 Gate Valve Model 150S-225-CWP

      NNB Belden Fiber Express Manager Connector Module Model AX101528

      NNB Gates Multi Speed Belt Model 2330V273

      Gould ITE Rowan Controller Inc. 2200-EB5Auxiliary Contact Kit Mod. A

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch 4P-T5

      Hydro-Line Inc. SKN?660 11V Rod Seal Kit

      Yarway 109338-24 O-Ring As 568-146 90 Duro

      Dresser 2.375 Coupling Reducer x 1 1/2"?0090-5025-632

      NIB Beck Handswitch?without Knob Model 20-3300-07

      NIB Beck Resistor without Knob Model 13-2511-06

      Chicago Rawhide 15592 Lot Of 2 Oil Seals

      Miller Valve Subplate 1/8" NPT 301

      Midwest Rigid Set Screw Coupling

      Chicago Rawhide 11410 Lot Of 2 Oil Seals

      Victor Oil Seal 49817 Lot Of 2 Oil Seals

      Delco 5306 TS Needle?Roller Bearing NDH?Made In The USA

      Asco 2 Way Solenoid?Valve 8210G56

      Cuno 3M Filter Cartridge Filter 12840-04

      Lot of 5 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1/2" Conduit Outlet Body LB18

      Lot Of 3 Delco 87013?Shielded NDH Made In The USA

      NSK 6008Z Single Row?One Side Shielded Ball Bearing

      Parker Needle Valve?2F-V4LR-B

      Cashco Type 1465 Regulator Spring Seat 790-76-5-01477-00

      Crouse-Hinds 3" x 2"?Reducing Bushing RE86

      Wika Liquid Fillable?Stainless Steel Gauge 2000 PSI

      Sporlan Lot Of 2 Coil KC-3

      Fafnir 7305WN SU Open Angular Contact Ball Bearing

      Fafnir 309KDD Shielded Roller Ball Bearing

      Baldor Dodge Taper Lock Bush 117226

      Marathon Heavy Duty?Terminal Block 1612?DJSV 31

      Fafnir 202KLD3 Shielded Bearing

      Bently Nevada 3300 XL Probe 330101-00-20-10-02-05

      Chicago Rawhide Mfg.?Co. Oil Seal Model?5035

      Tyler Pipe & Coupling Lot of 6 3" Gruvagrip Gasket KGB30B-3

      Timken 762 Tapered Roller Bearing Made In The USA

      Advance Rapid Start?Ballast 120V 60Hz DIM-240-H-2-TP

      Delco Q0L00 Angular?Contact Ball Bearing?NDH

      Clark Reliance Corporation Probe S.A.83/664 ZGO20RK

      Clark Reliance Corporation Probe S.A.83/664 ZGO20RK

      3D Instruments Inc.?25504-28B55 PressureGuage 0-600PSI 4-1/2" Dial

      Ametek U.S. Gauge Model # 1981 4 1/2" Process Pressure Gauge?0-160 PSI S.S. 1/2"

      Cooper Crouse-Hinds?Myers Scru-Tite 5" Ground Hub Stag-11

      Masoneilan Diaphragm?035107040

      GO Topworx Leverless?Limit Switch 11-12523-A15

      O-Z / Gedney Conduit?Body T-150 Type T 1-1/2"

      NIB Hilti 5/8 inch HDI Drop In Concrete?Anchors 25 per Box Model HDI 5/8

      NIB Beck Gear Module?Assy Model 14-9733-03

      Flowserve 05356101-1750 Shaft Nut SS

      Westinghouse Limit Switch 1600702

      ABB Slinger Ring 245556

      Honeywell Print Solenoid Assembly 020287

      General Electric 3021785 Electric Coil

      Wika Instrument Corp?Type 232.34 4.5" Process Gauge 0-200PSI?1/2"NPT LBM 9797632

      NIB Balluff Proximity Switch Model # BES?517-223-U5-E 30mm Range W/Bracket
      NNB Dayco Synchro COG Timing Belt 191 Model 225L050

      Airpax 209-1-1.62F-3-3-15 Single Pole Circuit Breaker 15 AMP?120/240 VAC

      Delco 3304 Ball Bearing NDH Made In The?USA

      Fisher 2E669902202 

      Fafnir 5306WG 

      NIB Lutron Centurion?Incandescent Dimmer120VAC, 60Hz 12.5A?1500W Model C-1500

      General Electric Telechron Synchronous Motor W/Transformer 120V 60 CY 612M25210

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch 6N6NN-T5-P1-F1A

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch 6NN-H3-P1-F1A

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch With Wire's 1NN-KK45-Y1-F1A

      Westinghouse BA13A Thermal Overload Relay 3 Poles NEMA Size?1 6710C36G09

      Westinghouse BA13A Thermal Overload Relay 3 Poles NEMA Size?1 6710C36G09

      NNB Parker Cylinders?Air Cylinder 5.0 Bore x 12.5 STR Model?05.00 D2AU14 12.500

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch 4N-K4-P1-F1A

      NIB Allen Bradley Limit Switch Model # 801-AS021 600V AC-DC?Max

      Westinghouse 274A804G01 Control Relay BFD22S 300VAC 10A 2NO-2NC

      NNB Parker Instrumentation Valves Union?Bonnet 8W-U12LR-G-SS

      NNB Cooper Crouse-Hinds Explosion-Proof?2 Button Front Cover?Assembly DSD921

      GE Voltage Relay 115V Type IAV 60 CyclesModel 12IAV54F1A

      Burling Instruments?Inc. Temperature Control Active Length 4-1/8" B-2C

      NNB Cooper B-Line 90?Degree Lay-In Wireway Model 22-12LE9B W/ Sealing Plate

      Static O Ring (SOR)?Pressure Switch 12LC-AA5-M4-C1A-GC

      FiberNext Lot of 50?Simplex Adadpter w/SC Foot Print ADS-LC004-CHP

      Lakeland Industries?44412 2X Coverall Zipper Saranex Bound Seam 12 Per Case

      NNB Norgren Lubricator Model L17-A00-OEDA 250 PSIG Max Inlet?2"

      Kenmac Limited Regulator 0-100 PSIG HP Max 3600 PSIG KPR1A1C3GA1

      Dwyer New Photohelic?Pressure Guage 0-10lbs. Per Square Inch 35 PSIG A3210

      NIB Universal Manufacturing H.I.D. Replacement Ballast Kit?Model 1230-93R-500-K

      General Electric Industrial Relay 300 Volts AC 10 Amp Max Series A CR120A02222AA

      Siemens I-T-E Heavy?Duty Enclosed SwitchModel NFR354 Series?B 200A 600VAC 3-Ph

      Parker Veriflo IR4001SK4POL304B660 54013697-2291 100621 Regulator

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch 9L-K5-P1-F1A

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch 2NN-K5-Y1-C1A

      Asco Red Hat Solenoid Valve 10-200 PSI 3/8" 6.1W 60Hz 8.1W 50Hz JKF 8321G2

      GE New Auxiliary Relay HFA 250 Volt Model 12HFA51A41H Top Left Corner Chip

      Neo-Dyn Adj. Pressure Switch Incr. Range?170 to 345*F 2250 PSIG # 100TC56C3

      Static O Ring Pressure Switch 4L-K45-U9-C1A-PKTTCG

      NNB ABB Type "O Plus?C" Bushing Model 025W2000UE VER 1

      NIP Yokogawa Type 180 Edgewise Instrument Gauge 0 - 100 Model 4601K12P0001

      NIB Rosemount Repair?Kit for 8 x 14 POSTTTIONer with Air Lock?Model 1A97803G02

      Static O Ring (SOR)?Pressure Switch 6BA-EB45-M2-C2A-TBTTYY

      NIP Hoffman Lot of 10 Hole Seal Type 3R,?4, 12,13 Model 59730

      NIB Power-Strut Lot?of 100 Pipe Clam for?1/2" EMT Model PS 1000 1/2 EG

      NNB Midwest Canvas Curtain Finish Vinyl?w/ 3.5 in Loops Size?34" x 387"

      NNB Square D HU363 Heavy Duty Safety Switch 600 Vac 100 Amp

      MAC 92B-AAB-BJ1-DP-DDDP-1DM 

      National Instruments?187576E-01 NI PCI-6034E Multifunction I/O 778075-01 128D088

      Marathon Electric Type-TFR Motor 8VB145TTFR5303BE M403

      Fastenal Lot of 100?Channel Nut 3/8"-16?w/Spring for 1-3/8"&1-5/8" Channel 48603

      USG Temperature Guage w/Probe 20-200 Degrees Fahrenheit Dial?No. 38295

      Boltex 2" Flange Class 150 B16 SA105 H663 1211

      ITT Industries Adjustable Pressure Switch 132P48C3

      Cutler-Hammer 9-1590-38 Magnet Coil for?D.P. Contactor 104/120 Volts 50/60 Hz

      Omron MY4-UA 110 VDC?Relay Lot Of 5

      Nice 3038DS 

      Crouse-Hinds 3-1/2"?x 2" Reducing Bushing RE96

      NIB Ideal Terminal Strip 12 Circuit, #8-32 Screw UL/CSA 30A,?600V Model 89-212

      NIB Appleton 1-1/2"?Mall Iron ST Connector Liquid Tight Flex. Metal Model ST-150

      Mallory CG742U050U4C?Capacitor 7,400 MFD50 VDC

      Lawson Products 98133 Tuff-Cut 1/4" Double Flute Straight Carbide Router Bit

      NNB Lovejoy Shaft Coupling,S-Flex Size 4?and Fan w/ 4- 1/8"?Blade Model AH198

      NNB Gates Hi-Power II V-Belt V80 Oil and?Heat Resistant Model B69

      Calgon 3508917 Linear Trimmer Potentiometer 137-7312 MEX VA45R503A

      MSD Inc. Relay 115-125VDC 120VAC 10A 219BBXP

      Lab Safety Supply Inc. 2 Sided Asbestos?Sign 28960

      NIB Honeywell Skinner Valve Model # 73312BN3RNJ1 Brass 3-Way

      Dwyer New Photohelic?Pressure Guage 0-15" of Water A2015-WP

      Cutler-Hammer C340DT?Control Transformer.180KVA Series A1

      Jefferson Electric 636-2491 Machine ToolTransformer 500VA 50/60HZ

      Rotating Balance Disc P567CPX2 IDP 087 DWG F-9866

      General Electric 3S7932MD215A7 Temperature Transducer Panel

      Westinghouse 7406D82A39-3 Electrical Panel Analog Volt Meter?7406D82

      SKF 29352 E Spherical Thrust Bearing 260mm Bore, 420mm OD, 95mm

      Grinnell Series 8000?Butterfly Valve 6"?W.P. 250 6 WS-8270-4

      Lexair Bronze 3/4" Poppet Valve 0-500 PSIG Model # 331412-25

      NIB RR Donnelley Lot?of 12 Wax Thermal Transfer Ribbons Model 1177620

      NNB Westinghouse 4 Channel Digital to Analog Converter Model?NL-752A

      NIP Dwyer Timer Pulse Carter - Day 2924000 Model DCT504A-R

      HOFFMAN CSD20168SS6?ENCLOSURE 20x16x8 C-D20168SS6

      Westinghouse 178C546G03 OT3 Lot Of 6 Green Lens

      Schott Maxos Lot Of?2 Size 2 Borosilicate Safety Sight Glass?140 x34 x17 2-04999

      Ingersoll-Rand A48C33WSB Lot Of 2 Channel Spring Set

      NNB Gates Hi-Power II V-Belt O & H R V80Model C72

      NEW Lot of (2) 5" NPT Thomas & Betts Ocal Blue Coupling Model CPL5

      Lot Of 3 Timken A4138 Tapered Roller Bearing Cup Made In The?USA

      NIB Hayward 3/8 PVC?Tube Ball Valve THD?VT Model TB10037T

      Mallory CG2451T200F1?Capacitor 2450 MFD?200 VDC

      Chicago Rawhide 22354 Lot Of 4 Oil Seals

      NIB Buss One-Time Fuses Cat.# NOS-2 2A 600V BOX OF TEN

      G.E. D-C Milliammeter Coal Silo 4E Level?Type 180 Cat.NO 50-180 183 HeAA1 WXB

      John Crane Inc. B384-22 Mechanical Seal?1-1/8"DIA Rubber Gasket SS Body Type 9T

      John Crane Inc. Rite?Pak Packing "S" Box?1/2" x 18' 100M

      Pall Corp. Filter Housing Bowl 150 PSIG?-20 To +250*F MCC1002D02X Spare

      Dwyer 1-20 LPM Air Series VFB Visi-FloatFlowmeter Model VFB-67-BV

      Westinghouse 624B094G05 Lot of 4 ContactCartridge ARC 600V?10Amp missing screw

      Fenwal Vertical Detect-A-Fire Unit 27121-0-140 For Hazardous?Loc.140 Farenheit
      Telemecanique Contactor 120V ~ 50/60Hz 4KW/400V 5HP/460V Model LC1D09G7

      Johnson Controls A36AHA-58 4-Stage Temperature Control 0-70F

      Taylor Recline Themometer 170 - 270* F Model ED-7-2-06 J008

      NIB Electro-Meters CO. 0-150 DC Amp Gauge Model # Performer?FB670-1027

      NNB Static O Ring 3-50PSI Pressure Switch Model # 4NN-K5-S1-C1A-TT SOR

      Koch Air Filters 9-1/2X19X1 260-002-802?Case of 22

      Advance Transformer?Co. Lot Of 2 BallastIgnitor With Out Clip L1551-H4

      S&C Electric Co. 122200R3 SM-4 Refill Unit LOT OF 3

      American Fitting Lot?Of 5 Rigid Conduit/IMC Threadless Connector 1" NT2752

      Ramset/Red Head Trubolt WS-5834 WS-5850?WS-3454 Wedge Anchor?Lot of 10 each

      ITT Neo-Dyn 115P1S2654 Pressure Switch ASSY 2Q89

      NNB Static O Ring Pressure Switch Model?# 6NN-K3-N4-F1A-MM 12-100PSI SOR

      NEW Parker 3/8" Brass Needle Valve Part?# 6F-V8LN-B

      NEW Parker 3/8" Brass Three-Way Ball Valve Part # 6Z(A)-B6XJ

      Square D 229714HH Limit Switch MA 11A

      Lot Of 3 Timken 25520 Tapered Roller Bearing Cup Made In The?USA

      Lot Of 4 Delco Deep?Groove Ball Bearing?NDH Made In The USA

      Beckman Industrial 500 Series Digital Panel Indicator 500D

      JAQUET FTFU 3024,3090,3013 Frequency-Current Converter TurboTrol

      New Oster 302 Pipe Dies 1" N.C. Bolt

      Smith Meter 512059-1?Calibrator For Aosmith OI

      Georgia Western Graphite Braided PackingRing 285070M

      Elmwood Sensors Inc.30-FO-30 Coil 600V

      Atwood & Morrill 324530046275000 Brass Valve Disc


      Lucas Schaevitz IEM-421 Part Number 2291242-000

      Dresser 1607902 Guide for Maxiflow Safety Valve 1775

      SIBA 9008110 Fuse 20?Amp 1500 VDC

      Atwood Morrill Piston Rod 345640072231901

      Bellofram Pressure Regulator Type 41 W/?Jordan Valve Panel

      Reliance Electric Company 44804 Oil SealAssembly

      6" Milling Machine Vise

      Crosby Valve & Gage?Co. 9611028D Relief?Valve 1"x1"

      Bussmann Lot Of 10 One Time Fuse NON-35

      Bussmann Lot Of 10 One Time Fuse NON-45

      Bussmann Lot Of 7 One Time Fuse NOS-3

      Westinghouse Thermal?Overload Relay MW-21

      26 Teeth Sprocket 14-3 3/8" Pitch 1" Bore

      JM Clipper 0237-09546 Single Lip Spring?Loaded Seal

      Westinghouse 620C167076 Socket Head Cap?Screw

      NNB New Con Co 3" Knife Gate Valve 150?PSI 4 Bolt

      GE Thermocouple U252E014U0245

      Beckman Industrail Flow Cells Cel - D001

      Alstom Limelight Diagnostic Flame Indicator DFI-100-340F

      MRC 312SFFC Roller Bearing

      International Rectifier IR Silicon Controlled Rectifier 619411

      BBC UT5507a Valve Limit Indicator ABB TurboTrol UT 5507a

      LaBour Taber 1-21G Split Gland

      Worthington Pacific?Packing Gland B7909A14077

      Asco 027476-001-D Coil

      Action Instruments Inc. AP1090 ActionPak?Limit Alarm 1090-2000

      Spectrom Filter Regulator FRC159314

      Royce Instruments Corp. Transducer 60/64s

      Agastat 7022PDM Timing Relay 5-50 Sec.

      Westinghouse WDPF Cable 9942A94G14-5

      Robertshaw Vibraswitch 366-AO

      Parker 4F-B6XJ-SSP Ball Valve

      Westinghouse Pilot Valve Assembly With Stem 8015-1

      Micro Switch Series?2 Lot Of 2 Model 2C206

      Allen-Bradley 837-A6EX514 Temperature Switch

      Asco Red-Hat Spare Parts Kit 208581

      Vogt Valve Co. 1" Gate Valve SW-12401

      Foxboro Bourdon Tube?P120SA

      Foxboro Bourdon Tube?P0120SC

      Sullivan-Palatek Replacement Filter PE544

      GE Packing Ring U783S162L1128

      MagneTek Universal Electric Motor 480V 60Hz .14A 1550RPM CA2E116N

      Automatic Timing & Controls (ATC) 0-40 Minutes Timer 322B056A12CS

      NNB Conbraco Ind .Inc. 1 3/4 inch Ball Valve Model 73A-107-01

      2" Neck Weld Flange?Model # 2" 150 B16.5?STD SA 182 F316/316L E71809

      Spears Y Strainer Valve 150 PSI 1" PVCIYS31P20-010SR

      Westinghouse Stem And Sleeve Assembly 175482G03

      Electro Corp 724300?Probe

      Teledyne Monitor Labs 25000449 Viton O-Ring Lot Of 24

      Weidmuller Lot Of 100 Beige Terminal Block WDU 2.5 1020000000

      McGraw-Edison NX Fuse 100 C AMP FA1A100

      Gardner Denver Company Air Compressor Replacement Part VB42202B

      Ritchie Pump 444-0794-208 Bronze Pump Impeller 4-1/2"

      MASTERFLEX PERISTALTIC PUMP MODEL 7015-20 HEAD w/Mounting Hardware

      NEW Parker 1/4" x 1/2" Stainless Steel Male Elbow Part # 4-8?CBZ-SS-MI

      NEW Parker 3/8" Brass Plug Valve Part #?6Z-PR4-VT-B

      Gates Super HC Belt?O&HR; V80 Model 5VX850 15NX2160

      Victor Oil Seal 60879, 60877 Lot Of 4 Oil Seals 2 Each

      Gates Super HC Belt?O&HR; V80 Model 5VX 15NX2690

      Westinghouse Type SG?250 Volts DC Auxiliary Relay 1210936C

      BBC RT-5509A RT5509A?ABB TurboTrol Time?Element Module 3

      NNB Nordstrom 4" Ball Valve 200 CWP Fig. B23144

      Advanced Transformer?78E3793-001 CW Autotransformer Ballast?1000 Watt

      GE Machine Tool Relay CR2810A14AT22

      NNB Allen Bradley Limit Switch 801-ASC21X Series A

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch 2NN-H5

      AI Fittings Lot of (5) 4" Zinc Conduit?Chase Nipple 510


      Namco Controls Limit?Switch for Hazardous LOCAIIONs EA880-12500

      Namco Controls Limit?Switch for Hazardous LOCAIIONs EA880-11500

      Pall Pneumatic Repair Kit for 1 in. INL?& EXH Valve 1198069

      Namco Controls Limit?Switch for Hazardous LOCAIIONs EA880-12500

      Namco Controls Limit?Switch for Hazardous LOCAIIONs EA880-11500

      Pall Pneumatic Repair Kit for 1 in. INL?& EXH Valve 1198069

      Teledyne Instruments?98412028-3-SP Cooler Assembly HD8168-1

      Box Of 50 Phoenix Contact 3004919 Terminal Blocks UK 10- Return

      Parker S50B Directional Control Valve 1/2" NPT 250 PSI

      NEW Parker Instrumentation Valves Brass?Needle Valve 4Z-V4LK-B

      Beck 20-2701-20 Actuator Motor Assembly?1.0 N.M.

      Reliance HAW732781A3410 841XL Duty Master Motor 286T 30HP 460V 1765RPM 36.1 AMP

      IMO Industries Inc.?Fincor 3120036 AC Tach 56C W/ Option 5055A

      GE Magnetic Starter?Enclosure Model # CR306E1 NEMA Size 3 200-600VAC

      NEW GE Vertical Motor Hp 75 RPM 3555 Volts 460 5K364DT5434D20P

      Westinghouse 01G2838G01 Hydron Bellows Brass 3" DIA x 2-3/8"?LG

      United Conveyor 2-20436-1 Gate Face Rubber Covered Steel Lot?of 5

      Alstom Limelight DFI-100-340F DiagnosticFlame Indicator/Hoffman Enclosure 16x20


      Westinghouse NEMA Size 5 Motor Starter W200M5CFC 1A96725G01?CUTLER HAMMER

      Otis Elevator Type 235A6 NO. 10 RAM StepDown Transformer 1000VA

      Nash Engineering Jet?Ejector 9204063-Y and 9204063-Z for vacuum assembly 4J

      Westinghouse HKB3250F Circuit Breaker 600VAC 3-Pole 250 Amp?Max

      Payne Engineering 11R-2-5HP 21020 3Ph Solid State Reversing?Starter 208/240VAC

      Westinghouse 234A240G07 Auxiliary Potential or Current Transformer 600 V 60 CL

      Conval Inc. 11P5PJ-1058J-8602 Globe Valve 3" 2220PSI

      ATC Automatic Timing?& Controls Timer 0-60 Seconds 305E 007?A 10 PX

      ATC Automatic Timing?& Controls Timer 0-30 Minutes 305E015A10PX

      Amarillo Gear Company Right Angle Fan Drive Model 155 55 HP?at 1750 RPM

      NEW Rosemount Pressure Transmitter 3051CD3A22A1AS2B4M5E5L4

      NNB Crouse-Hinds Lot?of 2 Conduit Outlet?Body Condulet Series 2" Model TB67 SA

      Asco New Electric Solenoid Valve 3-Way Explosion Proof 120V?60HZ EF8300D61U

      Cutler-Hammer Series?C Industrial Circuit Breaker 3 Pole 15?AMPS Model FD3015L

      GE 10hp tri-clad motor 5KG284AL319V Frame 284U 1175 rpm

      Coastal Plains SK-1899-60 Worm Gear 4"OD?x 23" LG Right Duff?Norton

      Foxboro N0148RQ Capsule Assy SS 0-20"/0-250Ft WC Mid Range

      Leeson 3/4 HP. Electric Motor Model C6T17WB7F

      Link-Belt P-LB 6847FHX3 Spherical RollerBearing Pillow Block 2-15/16

      NNB Mercoid Pressure?Switch 20-100 PSIG?Explosion Proof DSH-221-3-6S

      Square D DTU363AWK Double Throw 100 Amp?Disconnect Series F06

      Honeywell ST3000 Smart Transmitter ST G974-A1G-00000-MB.S1.ZS.1C-BB7P

      Westinghouse Type C0-5 Overcurrent RelayC0-5H1101N Style 264C897A05

      Consolidated Relief?Valve 1910-30GC-1-XLS1 Bellow Type 1-1/2" 450 psig

      Consolidated Relief?Valve 1910-30FC-1-XLS1 Bellow Type 1-1/2" 550 psig

      Rosemount Absolute Pressure Transmitter?3051CA1A02A1AH2M5

      Rosemount Pressure Transmitter 3051S1CD3A2F12A1AB3E5

      Thermo Fisher Scientific Sapphire Single-Point Level System?FFTGST0300N00S

      Ex-Cell-O HV35-7A Option 9 Cone Drive Reducer 60:1 Ratio 1750 Input RPM

      S-P Mfg Hydraulic Truck Cylinder Lock 5"?Bore 26-3/4" Stroke?BG 5x26-3/4 CC

      Automation Direct Data Comm. Module Use?w/ D2-240, D2-250 (-1), D2-260 D2-DCM

      Cutler-Hammer Motor?Circuit Current Limiting High Voltage Fuse 5ACLS-3R
      Westinghouse Lot Of 2 L-56 Electrical Interlock Univeral Poles 1NO-1NC

      Westlock Controls Valve POSTTTION Monitor for Hazardous LOCAIIONs 9479N-BY-V17

      NNB Metso Tipped Carbide Cutter 6 Teeth 3-3/8 x 1-1/4 x 1/4 Model Y010VGT0024

      NIB Parker Filtration Finite Filter 150 psi Model F14F11BA

      Gorman Rupp 11408 Bearing Cap 2-1/2" ID x 5" OD

      FISHER SCIENTIFIC ACCUMET 13-620-3 GlasspH Electrode

      Honeywell Micro Switch BAF1-2RN2-LH

      Leeds & Northrup Alarm Kit 324208

      Dwyer Magnehelic Pressure Gage 2005

      Dresser Industries 1/2-1106B Ashcroft Pulsation Dampener

      Veeco Instruments Inc. Thermocouple Gauge Control Model # TG-70

      NIB Philips Advance 2-Lamp Electronic Ballast Model # ICN2S40N 120-277V

      GE CR123C13.7B Box Of 3 Overload Heater Elements C137B

      Square D 9001KU2 Lot of 2 Red Push Button Boot Series F

      NNB Goodyear Variable Belt HY-T Plus Model A29 (4L310)

      Lot Of 6 Allen-Bradley 700-C2 Standard Front Deck Contact Cartridge Series A

      Westinghouse Turbine Steamchest Valve

      Veeder-Root Counter C-125936

      Westinghouse 449D707H01 Secondary Disconnect

      Namco Snap-Lock Limit Switch EA080-21100

      Anderson Greenwood Instrument Manifold M4TP HPS-4-XP

      Bourns Potentiometer 3400S-001-103

      VICTAULIC 6" Style 72 with 1" NPT OutletCoupling

      Parker 1/4" Brass Check Valve 1-3000 PSI Max

      E-Z Line Pipe Support Co. 8" Pipe Support 510-F

      Hagglunds Denison S15-48273 Shuttle Valve

      Minco Thermocouple Probe TC173JU120G6

      Sullivan Palatek Air Filter Element 00521-080

      LightGuard Emergency Lighting F100

      SKF Split Plummer Block Housing SAF511

      Henry Vogt Mach Co. 1-1/4" Gate Valve 12111

      Roto Hammer Industries Ductile Iron Chain Wheel CL-21


      ASCO Spare Part Kit 68-123 1/4 Orifice 4 Way A.C.

      NIB Chromalox Screw Base Space CartridgeHeater SCB-150 120V 150W

      I-T-E Imperial Corp 708393T7 Shunt Trip Relay 125VDC

      NNB Delphian 361-236-01 CHC Transmitter Sensor Wire Model ASM 361236


      Micro Switch BZ-RW82-A2 15Amp Lot of 2

      Check Valve Lever FRO 24" 300# 33556-406-2022 70WGB 15526

      Gould TB10F14 Current Limiter 2 Pack A6KA

      Cooper B-Line Lot Of 25 4 Hole Corner Plate B143SS4


      Turbotechnology Services Corp. Inlet Cone Part # 19254 Material Code 93-02-519

      Allen-Bradley Contact Block 800T-XAY

      Veeder-Root 115 AC Electrical 6-Digit Counter T-120506

      Durant 4-Y-41314-406-MEQU 4 Digit Counter EATON Obsolete

      Clark Controller KPMA-1 Universal Pole Kit for PM Relay

      Martel Eletronics 2400 Process Power Rack 24 VDC .175 Amp

      TRICO 30010 Constant Level Oiler-Glass 1/4" NPT Outlets

      Hoffman A-1287JFGR Enclosure with Terminal Strip and Appleton Fittings

      BI Technologies CR200L.5 Precision Potentiometer 3-Turn

      Vacuum Pump Sight Feed Lubricator 50675 7-1/4" LG Overall

      NNB Great Lakes Instruments Model 42 Isolator Model SC-2303-2

      NIB Buss Fuses Box of 4 Fusetron Type T 20 Amp T-20 125V Dual Element Time-Delay

      Agastat 7022PD Time Delay Relay With Micro Switch 5-50 SEC.

      Static O Ring 101NN-K3-N4-C1A-YY Differential Pressure Switch 3-30 PSID

      NIB Parker Ball Valve B Series Model 4Z-B6XJ-BP Stainless Steel

      Asco X82132 Solenoid Valve

      Clyde Bergemann Inc. 144932 Roller Shaft HT3

      GE C4.66A Lot Of 4 Overload Heater Element C466A

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch 6N6-T5-P1-F1A

      NNB Cooper B-Line Straight Section Lay-In Wireway Model 2212-12LW 12"L 2"W 2"H

      NIB O-Z/ Gedney 1 1/2" Lot of 5 3-Piece Conduit Couplings Model 4-150

      Fluid Controls Bypass Style Flow Regulator 2F84-P3-3-3-8S

      I-T-E Size 2 - 3 Pole Renewal Contact Kit G203D

      ITT Barton S932-0006-Z Strain Gauge BeamAssy S932-0006-S

      NIB Telemecanique Orange Flashing Indicating Beacon Model # XVA L451

      NIB Adams Elevator Equipment ReplacementElevator Controller Relay Model E-1611

      GE Auxiliary Relay 12HEA61A223X2

      Pall Trinity Micro Corporation EPOCEL 3 Filter MCS1001EC

      Arrow-Hart XT-7410-2 Flush Receptacle 7410

      Numatics 225-284B Mark 8 Series Dual Solenoid Valve 4-Way 2-POSTTTION 0-150 PSI

      GE Stage 8 Segment 0375B811P0020

      GE Stage 4 Segment 0375B811P0016

      Mercoid Control Pressure Control Gauge DA534-2 R 5

      ABB Pinion and Shaft 316528, 13 Teeth

      GE Stud 249A153 PT46

      Timken LM11749 Cone & LM11710 Cup 2 Complete Sets

      Timken 772B Tapered Rolling Bearing Flanged Cup 40024

      Telemecanique XESD1281 Contact Block

      FAG S 3616 Roller Bearing S3616

      Koyo 631ZZXC3 Shielded Single Row Ball Bearing

      Edmondson Filtration Inc. 942477 Visual Indicator

      Chicago Rawhide 8637 Seal Lot Of 3

      Chicago Rawhide 39934 Oil Seal Lot Of 2

      Newport Electronics New Controller/Indicator Q2001JDF1

      SKF TSNA524A TSNA 524 A Seal

      GE Bellows Assembly 635C374G1

      Appleton 4 inch Liquitite Straight Fitting

      Diallight 922-1526-525

      Yokogawa M1234KX-A

      Ingersoll-Rand 30565675 Crosshead Jam Nut

      Ingersoll-Rand 30565675 Crosshead Jam Nut

      Idler Set RSP400A PT021

      Filnor Inc. 5606-50-021 Master Switch

      SKF 311 Single Row Deep Groove Ball Bearing

      Westinghouse 1A96166G11 Isolation Transducer

      Westinghouse 1A96166G50 Isolation Transducer

      Fafnir MUA 3/4 Single Row Bearing Insert MUA 3/4"

      ITT 52-233-630-010

      SKF 6211-2RSJEM Single Row Ball Bearing

      Packing Follower 1-1/4"ID 1-7/8"OD

      Chicago Rawhide 17406 Lot Of 4 Oil Seal

      Buss JCY-7E 

      SKF 2305 M Self Aligning Single Row BallBearing

      Ametek Rotameter Tube GL 8HCFB

      Panalarm Relay 125 DC 50-X1

      Ingersoll-Rand 37116944 Packing Case

      BENTLY NEVADA 3500/93 System Display Factory Sealed

      ABB 70SL01a Simulator Module TurboTrol

      Ingersoll-Rand Sensor, RTD 24.5FT Part #39571302

      ABB HIEE210004R0001 Pulse Transformer 24Volt

      Fireye 45RM4-1001

      Panalarm 20 S3 NC Relay 48 VDC

      John C. Ernst Rotator Sight Flow Indicator 181

      P&H Harnischfeger Plugging Control Module 79U9

      Bailey Control Company Spare Parts Kit 256102A1

      Milton Roy 0214-0018-000 Rod Assembly 71756

      Amperite 115NO5 Time Delay Relay

      Hills-McCanna New Diaphagm Valve A12-2510

      Gould Instruments 891980-1 Thermal Pen Assembly

      Agastat 7012PDM Timing Relay 5-50 Sec.

      10" Butterfly Valve Liner

      Bonney Forge 1/2" Swing Valve HL68L

      NNB Dodge Master XL Speed Reducer Model 56CM16A

      Agastat 125VDC 20-200 SEC. Time Delay Relay 7012PE

      Agastat 125 VDC 1-10 MIN. Time Delay Relay 7012PF

      Hercules 1-31/32 Dia. Morse Taper 4 Shank HSS Drill

      Timken 761W Tapered Roller Bearing Single Cone Keyway Or Slot

      Goodyear HY-T Wedge Belt Matchmaker ORS-SC Model 3VX450

      SKF 6224 J Deep Groove Roller Bearing Made In The USA

      FULFLO 1-1/2 Relief Valve SVS-7067-RV-SS-R-600

      GE Contact Set 55-152313G120A

      SKF 5207 A Double Row Ball Bearing

      Amphenol 26-4200-24S Rack and Panel Connector

      Westinghouse 501B713G02 Lift Rod for Circuit Breaker

      Steel Sleeve 3"ID x 4.425OD x 7-7/8"LG

      Williamson Engineering 0214-0018-000 Drive End Connecting Rod Assembly

      Dresser 600364 Pinion and Shaft Assy with Key 15 teeth

      Keene Corp. 816BC 51B22 Teleflo Indicator Switch

      Lot Of 9 Fafnir 34KDD Single Row Ball Bearing

      Auburn Engineered Products Lot of 5 Ignitors IG-4765-C

      Dresser Style 711 Restraining InsulatingReducing Coupling 0711-0614-214
      Leeds & Northrup 7773 Electrode MountingAssembly 7773-10-3-00-0-000

      ITT A-C Pump 08-998-846-002 Casing Wear Ring

      Magne-Sonic Corp. Industrial TransmitterControl Unit MSC900W

      ASCO Red-Hat Solenoid Valve 125/DC EFHCX8308A4013231

      NNB Goodyear HY-T Plus V-Belt MatchmakerORS-SC Model C120

      SKF 5207 H Double Row Ball Bearing Made In The USA

      S & C Electric Company SM-5 Refill Unit 150E Amp 260250R4

      Rockwell Lot Of 3 Sealant NO. 921 Size B Box of 24 Sticks

      BS & B Type 6" BV 316 Rupture Disc 88003755-1

      NNB Lilly Air Systems Inc Filter Element Part # 50E

      Namco Controls Snap-Lock Limit Switch Model EA990 00115 125-600V

      Westinghouse KB2250F Circuit Breaker HKB2225T 225A 2-Pole

      Westinghouse Pole Unit 567F984G04 for 75DHP500 1200A Circuit Breaker

      ABB 70BA01c-S 4MA to 20MA Analog Input Module TurboTrol

      Westinghouse Type C0-5 Overcurrent RelayStyle 269B432A09

      Andrews Bearing Corp. 916 Thrust BearingMPB 3.22" Bore 4.53" OD

      Maxon Data Radio Module SD-171 W/ Vicor DC Converter VI-JW1-CZ

      Westinghouse 1265540-B Overload Relay Heater BX6.1

      Westinghouse 966 494-F Overload Relay Heater BG 18

      Babcock & Wilcox 20293BA Ignitor Head

      Babcock & Wilcox Transformer Bracket 24865CA

      Hilco Replacement Filter PH518-03-C

      Kitz Gate Valve AK150LU 42T

      Sullivan-Palatek Replacement Filter PE532

      Hutchison-Hayes Separation Inc. 74095 Gravity Disc 90mm

      Fafnir 310K Single Row Radial Bearing Made In The USA

      NPG INC. Round Die Packing Set 5000-6 Ring Set

      General Signal GS Hevi-Duty Transformer W150

      Westinghouse 1605202 Contact Kit For Size 2 Type N

      General Electric Coil 55-501336G2

      GE 486B316  55-501336G2

      Cutler-Hammer Coil 565-1

      Eagle Signal MT12-50 

      Timken Tapered Roller Bearing HM813844

      NIB Asco Rebuild Kit Part # 100691

      NIB Asco Rebuild Kit Part # 302929

      Lincoln Electric Coil XL-3-2

      Piping Technology & Products Size 38 Pipe Hanger Type 200-C

      Westinghouse Steam Chest Wear Plate 2-3/8" x 7/8" x 5/16"

      Phoenix Abrasives, Inc. Floor Rolls "E" Weight Resin Bond Paper XA911

      Phoenix Abrasives, Inc. Floor Rolls "E" Weight Resin Bond Paper JA165

      NIB GE Overload Heater Cat.# CR123C239A Box of 3

      NIB Cutler-Hammer Side Mount Auxiliary Contact Part # C320KGS5 Series A2 2 N.C.

      Fafnir 207KDD Shielded Bearing

      Ericson BL500 Inspection Light Boiler Light No Bulb

      Gerbing G-300 H6 Coupling 17 Tooth

      Gerbing G-100 H6 Coupling 17 Tooth

      Minco Thermocouple Probe TC356JU120T36

      Minco Thermocouple Probe TC356JU120T36

      Cutler-Hammer New Terminal Lugs TA1200NB1

      Bonney Forge 1" Check Valve HL41 Class 800

      Robertshaw R471-1 Pneumatic Electric Relay 0-20PSI 30PSI MAX

      Achieve B200W Power Supply 200W DC Output

      Koyo 5309 CD3 Double Row Ball Bearing 5309CD3

      PYCO Temperature Probe 02-3166-08-0-3

      Bellows Air latch Cylinder Repair Kit B732273

      NIB Pneumatic Products Repair Packing Kit, Model 1258671

      ARO 26361-020 Air Line Lubricator

      Allen-Bradley 0D155 Coil

      Namco Snap-Lock Limit Switch EA080-12100

      Seeley Jones Ring Case 27250 WOR

      NIP Harting Bulkhead Mounting Housing Metal Lever Model 09300480301

      Westinghouse WDPF Cable 9942A94G14-8

      Lincoln T6968 Carbon Brush Lot Of 9

      Norgren Diaphragm Assembly Kit 5890-52

      Ingersoll-Rand 95107645 Piston Ring

      Co-Ax Valves Inc. SK529937 Seal Kit



      Filtersoft Replacement Coalescing FilterElement FP20196XKCB

      NNB Browning Super Gripbelt V-Belt ModelC144

      Case Ring IDP 064 DWG F-9866

      Ingersoll-Rand 37088168 Wear Ring

      Agastat 7022PHM Timing Relay 3-30 Min.

      Action Instruments Relay With Adapter 4003-178

      ITT Grinnell 3161 Spindle With Collar 1" Dia

      Vickers 855989 Seal Kit

      Potter & Brumfield KR-1734 Relay

      Labour Taber Housing 11-95290-02 IT 15

      ITT 52-118-008-001 Packing Gland

      Fafnir 213NPP Single Row Ball Bearing

      Fafnir W311PP Roller Bearing

      Timken Tapered Roller Bearing HH228349

      Flowserve 6015265 Cover Wear Ring

      Watts Fluidair Element Kit EKF10Y

      Bailey Diaphragm Kit M42-26A Part 254055A1

      Continental Disc Corporation 2" Mintrx FS Rupture Pressure Disk 8189362A

      Style 38 Seal Only Coupling, 0038-9036-202, 4.5 Inch

      NIB Cooper Crouse-Hinds Receptacle Spring Door Assembly Model QE26

      Combustion Engineering 183A7773G01 GuideBearing Sleeve Motor End

      Static O Ring SOR Pressure Switch 99V2-EG45-M4-C2A-TT

      Browning 358 Gripnotch Belt Code 1 Model5VX500

      NIB Adams Elevator Equipment ReplacementElevator Controller Relay Model E-1601

      NIB Honeywell Gas/Air Pressure Switch Range 1/2" - 5 1/2" Water Model C437E 1038

      Brass Male Adapter 364B020001 Rev 03 PA-976052

      Outboard Cover 1-3/8"ID x 6-1/2"OD

      GE Blowout Diaphragm 40.5" Dia 298A3346P0006

      Solvera Particulate Control 98-102396-08Eurocard Rapper Control Wiring Harness

      NIB Martin Sprocket Single STL 3/4 Bore w/KW and 2ss 10 Teeth Model 40BS10 3/4

      NIP SLI Lighting Lot of 5 Cool White Fluorescent Bulb Model F15WT8/CW

      Wika Lot of 2 Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge Stainless Steel Liquid Filled 213.53

      NIB Asco Redhat Solenoid Model # EFHT8321G2 3/8" 3-Way Brass

      GE Inner Bushing 245A431G1

      Goodyear Falcon Belt 14GTR-3136-20

      Hagen Controls 6114-012 

      Panalarm Relay 53LH-HT

      Delavan Level Switch Captrol 500

      Panalarm D148-125D Relay

      Asco Red Hat Rebuild Kit 068100

      Westinghouse Coil 9969D90G01

      Asco Red-Hat Rebuild Kit 082654

      GE Inner Bushing 9695760G0006

      Leeds Northrup 831 16 00 0724 6 AE 128 206 Pressure Chart Recorder 4-20mA

      NNB Gates Tri-Power V-Belt V80 Oil and Heat Resistant Model BX136

      Lot Of 3 Timken 25520 Tapered Roller Bearing Cup Made In The USA

      Lot Of 4 Delco Deep Groove Ball Bearing NDH Made In The USA

      ATC 366A-400-Q-30-PX 

      Magnetek Ballast 487-XLH-TC-P High Output Rapid Start 277V

      Adtech Model ACX-141 Two-Wire Transmitter 0-40VAC In 4-20 Out

      NNB Hoffman JIC Steel Hinged Box Model A806CHNF 8" x 6" x 3 1/2"

      Scientific Technologies Environecs P374-41 Rev A EPROM Circuit Board

      BBC UV6540A Front View Fast Valving Indicator Module TurboTrol

      General Electric Size 5 Contact Kit 55-154607G2

      NNB Sure Flow Equipment Inc. 6" Strainer ANSI 300 Model BF 300

      Rexnord 71 Series Coupling 150.S71.CMBRAC=4.38 018744

      GE Kepner 235A9848-1 SS 3/8" Series 15001522Y Check Valve

      Lot Of 6 Switchcraft M641/5-1 Open Frame Jack 1/4" C12BZ

      Cooper Crouse-Hinds 2" Conduit Outlet Body C67 SA

      Ashcroft Q-111 0-1000 PSI 5 PSI Subd. 250-2362-A 56 Test Gauge

      Helwig Carbon Lot Of 3 Carbon Motor Brushes 11-371016-108-2-01

      10 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1" Liquidtight Fittings W/ Grounding Lug Model # LTB100G

      General Electric Lot of 8 Par 38 Mine Lamp Light Bulbs 75 Watt 120 Volt

      Westinghouse PB2HF0V7 

      Bussmann Fuse HVL 2

      Hays Fluid Control 2600-0411 Shur-Flo Flow Switch 0.1GPM Zurn

      Micron Industries Control Transformer B078-0222-3

      Westinghouse Coil S-1470223 B3

      Westinghouse Coil S-1470223 B

      GE Bolt 06954944P0001 

      GE STUD K9777348 PT7

      LOVEJOY D-10 Solid U Joint

      Westinghouse Coil S-1605513 B

      General Electric 6275014G7 

      H & H Sales Inc. 100-PH3-1-1 Element
  • 0571-87774297