产品介绍Product introduction
AGV hooks the trolley loaded with materials automatically,then conveys the trolley to the production line along which all materials will be assembled. AGV is widely used in industries of automotive, home appliances and electronics.
产品特点Product features
l AGV系统能对应多种产品规格,实现车间智能物流,满足柔性化生产;
AGV system can be applied according to various product models to actualize intelligent logistics in factory and meet the demands of flexible production.
l AGV牵引料车至线边,料车随线运行,人工拿取物料装配,提高了生产效率。
AGV conveys the trolley to the production line along which all materials will be assembled, thus the production efficiency will increase.
l 按需配送物料,有效防止错装、漏装,提高装配质量;
AGV conveys materials according to production needs to improve assembly quality, avoiding errors and omissions in the assembly procedure.
技术参数Technical parameters
技术参数Technical parameters
导引方式Guide mode
磁导航Magnetic Guidance
负载能力Lading capacity
600 kg/3000 kg
外形尺寸Shape dimensions
1600*420*400 mm
行走功能Walking function
最大速度Max speed
45 m/min
最小转弯半径Min turning radius
R1000 mm
位置精度positional accuracy
±10 mm
安全装置Safety equipment
接触式保险杠contact bumper
infrared obstacle detection/ laser scanner
紧急停止emergency push buttons
声光报警Sound-light alarm
通讯功能Communication mode
红外遥控Infrared remote control
无线局域网WLAN 2.4GHZ(Optional)
电池种类Battery type
铅酸电池Lead-acid battery
锂电池lithium battery(Optional)
充电方式Charge mode
手动更换电池Manually change the battery
自动充电automatic charging(Optional)