埃克森美孚TPO Polyolefin CMN303 塑胶原料概述:
埃克森美孚TPO Polyolefin CMN303 美国埃克森美孚热塑弹性体塑料应用:
【中国大陆经销商电话:0137-9446-6484 严生】
"Now for it!" he thought, and braced himself anew to meet the shock.
But the impact never came. Without doubt the black-hearted villains who controlled the cruiser knew how to handle a vessel, for almost the moment the Donibristle starboarded helm, the pirate craft began to forge ahead. Rapidly gathering speed, she contrived to elude the merchantman's bluff bows by a matter of a few feet. It was close enough to enable some of the former's crew to hurl a couple of bombs upon the Donibristle's deck, where they burst with little material effect, although the double explosion caused a momentary panic amongst the prostrate men in the vicinity.
Captain Blair had shot his bolt. He realized the fact. Another opportunity to ram his opponent would not occur. He could only attempt to seek safety in flight, and that, he knew, was a forlorn hope, owing to the vast difference in speed between the two ships.