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供应二手TEK370B Tektronix 示波器放大图片

产品价格:38000   元(人民币)
发货地:深圳市  (发货期:当天内发货)



简要说明:泰克牌的供应二手TEK370B Tektronix 示波器产品:估价:38000,规格:完善,产品系列编号:齐全




Q Q466891225



-上限达2000V或电流到10A的源(370A) -上限到3000V(371A) -上限到220W(370A) -上限到400A(371A) -1nA的测量分辨率 -上限到3000W(371A) ·上限到2mV的测量分辨率(370A) ·波形对比 ·包络显示 ·波形平均 ·点光标(370A) ·Kelvin传感测量 ·全程控 ·MS-DOS兼容的软盘,方便设置参孝存储和调用应用手动或自动进行半导体高分辨率DC参数测量来料检查生产测试过程监视及质量控制数据报告的生成元件配对失效分析工程测试交互式程控所有交互式程控测量是通过有鲜明特点的前面板或GPIB来完成的。使用几种存储方式,调整和存储操作参数,包括370A的非易失存储器、内置的MS-DOS兼容的软盘或到外部控制器。测试夹具测试夹具是标准附件,它提供被测器件安全防护,以保护测量人员的安全。测试夹具适应标准的A1001,中间通过Kelvin传感的A1005适配器、无Kelvin传感的3芯适配器和A1023、A1024表面封装适配器。 370A程控特性曲线图示仪 370A是全球著名的高分辨率特性曲线图示仪,可应用到许多场合。370A能完成晶体管、闸流管、二极管、可控硅、场效应管、光电元件、太阳能电池、固态显示和其它半导体器件的直流参数特性的测试。在研发实验室,用370A来完成新器件、SPIEC参数的提取、失败分析和产生数据报告这些具体的测试工作在制造过程中,用370A检验器件质量及过程监视。 370A可进行来料检查、器件性能测试、失效分析和器件配对这些测试工作。技术指标 集电极电源 模式 AC,±DC,±泄露,±整流的正弦波 范围 最大峰值电流(±) 峰值电流(脉冲式)(±) 16V 10A 20A 80V 2A 4A 400V 0.4A 0.8A 2000V 0.05A 0.1A 阶梯信号发生器 模式 阶梯:DC,80μS脉冲,300μS脉冲 阶梯量程-   电流: 50nA到200mA,按1-2-5顺序 电压: 50mV到2V,按1-2-5顺序 偏置 最大到±10X阶梯幅度 阶梯数 0到10 测量特性 集电极电流-   测试量程: 100nA/div(1nA分辨率)至2A/div误差,1.5%光标读出+0.05div设定值(点光标) 发射极电流-   测试量程: 1nA/div(10pA分辨率)至2mA/div 误差 1.5%光标读出+0.05div设定值+1nA 安全标准 UL1244,CSA231,H

The Tektronix 370B Curve Tracer is the world standard for high resolution curve tracers. the Tek 370B provides up to 20 A / 2000 V sourcing capability combined with 1 pA and 50 μV measurement resolution. The Tektronix 370B performs DC parametric characterization of integrated circuits, transistors, thyristors, diodes, SCRs, MOSFETs, electro-optic components, solar cells, solid-state relays and other semiconductor devices. It has pushbutton source and measurement configuration so it's easy to change from one test to the next.

The Tek 370B is used in a wide variety of applications including:

  • Parametric Characterization of Semiconductors
  • Failure Analysis 
  • Data Sheet Generation
  • Manufacturing Test
  • Process Monitoring and Quality Control
  • Incoming Inspection
  • Component Matching

Features of the Tektronix 370B curve tracer include:

  • High resolution DC Parametric Measurements (Resolution Down to 1 pA or 2 μV) 
  •  Built in Cursor Measurements: Dot, Window and Function Line
  • Kelvin Sense Measurements
  • Sweep Measurement Mode
  • Waveform Comparison & Averaging
  • Fully Programmable
  • 1.44 MB Floppy Drive Stores Setup and Bitmap of Curves
  • Direct Hardcopy with printer

Interactive Programmable Control

Interactive control of all 370B measurements is accomplished from the full-featured front panel or over the GPIB. Every operating parameter can be controlled using the GPIB controller. 370B Series LabView drivers are available at www.Tektronix.com. These drivers have many of the building blocks to create a custom measurement solution.

Store and Recall Setups and Digitized Curves

Up to 80 digitized characteristic curves can be stored on a diskette or in internal non-volatile memory and recalled at the touch of a button. A live curve can then be compared with a previously stored curve to assess temperature drift or other changes in operating parameters. To help identify the data, up to 24 characters of text may be used to label or annotate the curve data. Operating parameters can be adjusted, stored and recalled using several storage methods including the 370B system memory, the built-in 1.44 MB floppy drive, or sent externally via the GPIB controller.

Automated Cursor

The 370B provides three cursor measurement modes. The dot cursor provides direct screen readout of voltage, current, gm or DC beta at any point. The window cursor can be positioned between two curves to measure small signal beta or gm and can also be used for visual go/no-go tests. The function line cursor provides screen readout of a slope or intercept value.

Sweep Measurement Mode

In the sweep measurement mode, the curve tracer automatically constructs a family of curves. 

Direct Hardcopy Printouts

Curve output data can be sent directly from the 370B and 371B to a Citizen iDP-3240thermal printer. Printing can continue while the 370B and 371B perform the next tasks.

What is the difference between the 370A vs. the 370B?

  • The 37xB models use a 1.4M floppy drive which replaces the 720K drive on the 37xA models.
  • The 370B allows saving screen images to the floppy in .bmp format.........shift/hardcopy
  • The 370B allows saving curve files to the floppy in .csv format.............local/hardcopy
  • The 370B has a Centronics print port which replaces the GPIB plotter port function in the 370A.
  • All models still support GPIB communication for control and data transfer. All other features/functions remain the same as 37XA.

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