通知:定做汽车烤漆房的必备条件【品质奋勇当先 事迹遥遥当先】客户订购的大众的骄子——环保汽车烤漆房生产发货现场实拍:
EU5 and eu6 two models, car paint room, air flow and filtering effect, which to paint the roof cotton types, general repair factory use, you can use paint room in the room used sunlamps irradiation upper, usually per square metre of very small dust particles should be less than 5 stars.
Second, the car paint room to D65 light source of the light, and the walls of the room should be matte white, wall sealing effect, paint room must be sealed, and accumulation in the seams should not paint dust to ensure positive pressure, paint room, into the air should be slightly larger than the volume of the air, the paint room kept under positive pressure state.
Three, automobile paint baking room heating system sealing effect, in around the burner and chimney should be sealed well, and do not appear after the burning of the putty.
Fourth, car paint room, heating rate, paint room from 20 DEG C rose to 60 DEG C, the time is about l0 - l5min. At the same time, we should pay attention to some baking room thermometer is inaccurate, the temperature measurement to subject to the metallic body paint in the room temperature.
The car paint in spring how to maintain? About the car's brother, expect a beautiful as new car durability. But what a season on the car paint maintenance is not the same. Because of different climate different humidity, impact on the car paint is not the same. With the arrival of spring, the maintenance of car paint, should pay attention to what?
The arrival of spring rainy season, a car key moisture bacterium "importance" object, many owners prefer picking in the spring on their car for car paint maintenance, and in the spring of car maintenance, maintenance with what points to details, with these questions, Huayu paint room for owners of car care supply in spring useful information service.
Moisture is germproof points. Because the spring humid climate makes the bacteria and virus of simple reproduction, thus to strengthen the disinfection and bacteria on the car, so the car to dry cleaning. When the owners sent a car to car maintenance shop in the paint to take care of, should pay attention to some of the body's internal condition. In addition to the car leather pad gap bacteria this kind of visible, more attention to the cleaning dead angle, air outlet, air conditioning filter contains, because the south is overcast and rainy, air-conditioning pipe inside the car more prone to bacteria, if not timely consolidation, to the people in the car there is a big threat to health.
In addition to the owner promptly clean car air conditioning, and can do some ordinary mold tips. When the weather is rainy, able to stop the car after the fire, the car air conditioning fan to the maximum, adhere to 3~5 minutes or so. Thus, the moisture in the air conditioning pipeline can be effectively blown out. But this trick, can do to delay fungal reproduction. If you want to completely clean the air conditioning pipeline, the best to go to a professional store, replace the new air conditioner filter may be used with some special air conditioning cleaning detergent air conditioning pipeline.
As the main car paint anticorrosion. In addition to moisture in the spring, the body should also pay attention to external anti acid". Along with the increase of acid rain in the city, this time to pay attention to maintenance and paint, car paint exposed in the air, very simple by spring corrosion by acid rain, so to give the car waxing and glazing may allow the paint coating, more maintenance.
Sometimes, although the car wax can brighten the body, but the acid function is not durable, if conditions permit, the best car to make a seal may fully do acid coating, glaze dust, duration of up to 2 to 3 months, these are able to adhere to the paint durability of light, but also maintain the paint from wind and rain the invasion.
Pay attention to car paint, other local points of investigation vehicle. Because the south rain days, so to see the wiper is not a question, such as showing aging should be timely replacement, but also see the car headlights are composed of water seepage, fog, these are likely to rain south climate conditions driving the formation of security threats. In addition, the water will enter the brake system, but also into the brake light, to regularly check the brake fluid, to avoid the brake fluid to reduce the boiling point of water after the brake line to produce air resistance, resulting in brake failure.
2. 过滤系统:空气初效过滤采用HP超薄板式过滤漆器,空气高效过滤采用RK-600G型立体喷胶高效过滤棉
3. 顶部结构件:轻钢结构骨架采用40x80方管焊接并喷漆,纵横梁采用0.6彩钢板折制。顶棉托架采用
4. 室体系统:50mm岩棉板,内外覆0.4mm彩钢板。大门采用岩棉复合板加装铝合金型制成,观察窗玻璃采
5. 送风系统:配置2台YDW4kw型送风机排风系统:配置1台YDW5.5kw型风机
6. 漆雾过滤:采用碳纤维棉或油漆过滤纸过滤
7. 加热系统:十二组量子辐射加热器,两侧八组为轨道移动式安装,后测两组为固定式安装,顶部为轨道
9. 照明系统:采用上下照明方式。保证无重影和作业盲区,光照度>1000Lux。顶部照明采用32支36w飞利
3. 烤漆效果好:碳纤维、远红外石英电热管是利用本身远红外辐射加热,(而不是通过对流传导)而避免
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