CBR05 transformer capacity analyzer CBR05,%CBR05@
CBR05 transformer capacity analyzer (anti stealing electricity tester)
Electricity supply enterprises is an important problem for many years to be troubled, especially in recent years,stealing from the main personal development as acollective unit, the legal representative power stealing.Stealing electricity has become more technical, more concealment, 3/4 cases as the legal person stealingelectricity, and electricity stealing technology from directlyin the meter, metering equipment electricity transferred tothe transformer body, by replacing the nameplate,changing the transformer capacity value, or deliberately altering plate so as to achieve the purpose of paying less electricity. The methods of stealing electricity the harm is great, but if there is no specialized instruments, the auditors never laid a hand on him, or even be at a loss what to do. Our company is in the background and the power sector, transformer manufacturing industry closely,the new technology with low voltage, low current, CBR05transformer capacity analyzer developed "". Easy to useelectric inspection departments at the scene to check the user's transformer.
The main technical indicators
Technical index of the instrument and the project name
The basic measuring accuracy capacity ± 10%
Working temperature: -10 ℃ -40 ℃
The environmental humidity below 85% without dew
Volume of about 420 x 340 x 190 (mm)
The weight is about 12Kg
Source instrument with a power supply or AC220V (AC and DC)
Rated power 120W
Function and characteristics
The test range, capacity of 30-630KVA, according to user requirements and expansion. 35KV the following different voltage level compatibility.
Power supply, design, integration with the host 12KGcharger overall weight, easy to carry.
Three-phase power supply automatic step-up, step-downautomatically, without manual operation, the computer automatic control.
Simple operation, especially for 10KV distribution transformer to achieve a key operation.
When measuring only need to input a voltage.
With RS232 interface, can be equipped with notebookcomputer and software, easy file management.
The measured results of real, reliable, accurate rate of 100%.
Apparatus with internal storage, can be stored 50 transformer data
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