





    发布者:kaiguan88  发布时间:2018-11-09 10:34:34  访问次数:36


    1. Environment B&Q验厂环境方面审核            

    1.1 Is there evidence of local pollution from the factory?(e.g. air emissions, waste liquid and residue effluent )


    1.2 Has the factory operated for the past 2 years without prosecution under Environmental Legislation?


    1.3 Does the factory have a meaningful environmental policy signed by Chief Executive?


    1.4 Does the factory have an Environmental Action Plan against which progress is monitored?


    1.5 The factory does NOT knowingly contravene local and national environmental legislation without being able to demonstrate a plan of action to improve?


    1.6 Does the factory monitor energy usage?eg. Electric, fuel,etc.


    2. Timber (if relevant) 木材(如果适用)                  

    2.1 Does the factory understand the issues associated with the provision of independently certified timber (in particular F.S.C.)?


    2.2 Does the factory have a Chain of Custodyin place which meets F.S.C. requirements?


    1.3 Are hazardous activities / substances storage and usage comply with the local legislation?Are the risk of harm from hazardous substances/activities minimised through the provision of safety equipment, signage, training and a safe factory infrastructure.


    Give details of hazardous substances / activities occur on site.请详细列明出产现场有哪些风险物质和工序。                

    1.4 Is there evidence of using on site of necessary PPE?


    1.5 Is PPE fit for purpose and in good condition?


     Describe what type of personal protective equipment (PPE) given to workers for what type of process, e.g. gloves, masks, eye protection, hearing protection.


    1.6 Are machines fitted with adequate guards to eliminate obvious risk of harm to workers?


    1.7 Are electrical appliance (socket, plug, switch, etc.) properly installed and without exposed live part?

     用电设备(插座,插头,开关等等)    能否恰当设备并无露出有些?              

    1.8 Are adequate first aid kits /medical facilities available?


    1.9 Are trained first aiders/medical personnel available in the factory?


    1.10 Is a log kept of accidents?


    1.11 Is there a specific, named manager with responsibility for health and safety ?


    4. Fire Protection (Factory & Accommodation)  

     4.1 There must be an adequate number of safe, unblocked fire exits, escape routes and fire fighting equiment accessible to workers from each floor or area of the factory and accommodation (if provided)?

     工厂出产区域和宿舍(若供应)每层的防火出口、涣散通道须充分、安全、疏通,消防设备应满足,适用。     Y/N            

    4.2 Are all fire exits and escape routes clearly marked in a language workers understand or shown graphically?


    4.3 Are workers trained in the use of fire fighting equipments and factory evacuation procedures?


    4.4 Are regular fire drills held ( at least once every 6 months)? And records of fire drills kept?Please give date of last drill?


    4.5 The factory is a safe and hygienic place to work?


    官网 http://www.szkaiguan.com/            


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